I SORT of fall apart in terms of STAMINA after about 25 MINUTES!

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When I usually GO to my studio to work, I start with something that is going to take TWO minutes just to put some idea down and the next thing I KNOW, ten hours have gone by and my family is screaming at me because they want me to COME up to have dinner with them.

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In figure SKATING, you have four MINUTES to do your best. It's your TIME; you do your best.

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Just as you wouldn't leave the house without taking a shower, you shouldn't START the day without at least 10 minutes of SACRED PRACTICE: prayer, MEDITATION, inspirational reading.

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I don't particularly like BABIES. I don't MIND them for about FOUR minutes. That's my max. After that I can't quite see what EVERYONE's fussing about.

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Sixty minutes of thinking of any KIND is BOUND to LEAD to CONFUSION and UNHAPPINESS.

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I'm doing cardio five DAYS a week and will do anywhere from 30 MINUTES up to an HOUR each session, but never under 30 minutes.

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I can only be in the SUN for 15 minutes before burning. I have sunscreen on my FACE every day. If I'm walking on the sunny side of the STREET, I'll walk to the SHADY side. I'm too UNCOMFORTABLE in the sun.

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People come to the stadium to forget their LIVES for 90 minutes, and it's up to us to GIVE them satisfaction; to get them out of their chairs and to fall ASLEEP with stars in their EYES.

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Nature. That's the one thing that tips the BALANCE in terms of living here in CALIFORNIA. Within minutes, I can be in a desert, at the ocean, in a PARK, and that's the most nourishing food for my soul.

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My MOM was ALWAYS there. Even if she got off work late sometimes, I still went to practice, WHETHER I was 30 MINUTES late, 45 minutes late... I was still GOING to practice.

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I have been FIVE MINUTES too LATE all my life-time!

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One thing I always loved about vinyl was the length of a side, around 20 or 22 MINUTES. That's the perfect length of an attention span for listening TIME, you KNOW? You COULD listen and give it all your attention. Put on something that's 70 minutes, and nobody's sticking around past the first 20 or 30 minutes.

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Always be AVAILABLE to your kids. Because if you say, 'Give me FIVE minutes, give me TEN minutes,' it'll be 15, it'll be 20. And then when you GET there, the shine will have WORN off whatever it is they wanted to share with you.

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You can't EVER PUT your self-definition in the HANDS of SOMEBODY who meets you for 15 MINUTES.

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