For an acquisitive WALL Streeter, the money saved by CHOOSING a practical car can be put TOWARD the cost of some pricier MEANS of MOBILITY - like a plane.

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From a TECHNOLOGY and economic PERSPECTIVE, it's vastly more likely that autonomy will be used for MOBILITY SERVICES.

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There's something about that puritanical narrative of progress and upward mobility and work ethic that the glorification of ABSTINENCE fits pretty neatly into. That pairs with the FACT that 12-step RECOVERY has had too large a monopoly on how treatment is UNDERSTOOD in America.

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The Tories and the Lib Dems talk about SOCIAL mobility, but, SHORT of winning the LOTTERY, the only way to guarantee young people from all backgrounds the opportunity to do better and to RAISE aspirations is through education.

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If we are serious about PROVIDING upward mobility and building a skilled WORKFORCE, pre-school is the PLACE to begin.

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SINCE 1970, RELATIONSHIPS can be more volatile, jobs more ephemeral, geographical MOBILITY more intensified, STABILITY of MARRIAGE weaker.
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Urban mobility is a massive GLOBAL CHALLENGE. The WORLD NEEDS people to use multiple forms of transport - a MIX of biking, walking, and other low-energy forms of transportation.

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Estimates of the ionic mobilities vary over a considerable range; but in any EVENT, the positive ionic defect is much more mobile in the SOLID than in the liquid, and its mobility VARIES very LITTLE with the temperature.

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When I look into the Ericsson's MOBILITY REPORT that has predictions TILL 2018, the majority of people having mobile broadband by 2018 will be on 3G.

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The United States is no LONGER first in the world in upward MOBILITY. We can reverse that trend by giving our young CHILDREN an equal start in life as they BEGIN their JOURNEY to fulfill the American Dream.

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I THINK everybody understands MOBILITY because everybody's GOT a cellphone and LOTS of apps and seen how they've MOVED off of PCs and onto mobility.

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The Princeton economist Alan Krueger has demonstrated that SOCIETIES with higher levels of income INEQUALITY are societies with LOWER levels of social MOBILITY.

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For GENERATIONS of Hong Kongers, the only MEANS of upward mobility and the only way to meaningfully contribute to society have been to obtain a respectable university degree (preferably in business ADMINISTRATION) and a professional accreditation (in FINANCE, accounting, law or medicine).

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