Gay marriage was a trick: it's a tool to tell people to bake cakes. Laws are based on morality, so if it's ILLEGAL for a CATHOLIC to refuse a ceremony, you are SAYING that Catholicism is immoral, and that was REALLY the goal of gay marriage - discredit Christianity.

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The essence of MORALITY is a QUESTIONING about morality; and the DECISIVE move of human life is to USE ceaselessly all light to LOOK for the origin of the opposition between good and evil.

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The whole realm of morality and ethics is SOMETHING that has escaped the ATTENTION of WOMEN, by and large. And it NEEDS the attention of intellectual women most desperately.

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MORALITY is contraband in WAR.
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Logic, fact, MORALITY, legality, ideology: All of it is irrelevant in understanding the PARTY of Trump. Republicans have MADE crystal clear that NOTHING MATTERS to them other than partisanship.

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Morality without RELIGION is only a kind of dead reckoning - an endeavor to FIND our PLACE on a cloudy sea by measuring the distance we have run, but without any observation of the heavenly bodies.

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Deterrence itself is not a preeminent VALUE; the PRIMARY VALUES are SAFETY and MORALITY.

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In India and ELSEWHERE in the world, the moment a woman speaks out against harassment, people sort of start making all SORTS of CHARACTER judgments about her, about her morality, about what she was WEARING, and all such things, and I think that is not fair.

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Very RARELY does a mainstream FILM push the envelope. A film that's so-called mainstream and questions certain norms, certain notions of morality, and gets away with it opens doors. It means the common MAN, the majority of the PEOPLE, have accepted it.

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All MORALITY CONSISTS in a SYSTEM of rules, and the ESSENCE of all morality is to be sought for in the respect which the individual acquires for these rules.

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God CREATED the family to provide the maximum LOVE and support and MORALITY and example that one can imagine.

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When I was growing up in Alabama in the '50s, EVEN though we were poor and the laws were against blacks, we STILL had a SENSE of MORALITY.

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FREE markets, HARD WORK, and morality will benefit BLACKS and all Americans.
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Books and theater were the way I understood the world and ALSO the way I ORGANIZED my SENSE of morality, of how to live a good life.

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TASTE is the only MORALITY. TELL me what you LIKE and I'll tell you what you are.
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