We'll have clinics and EDUCATIONAL EVENTS and conferences to get more and more YOUNG PLAYERS developing as hockey players.

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Women, as they GROW OLDER, rely more and more on cosmetics. MEN, as they grow older, rely more and more on a sense of HUMOR.

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The ARC of our HISTORY is TOWARD more EQUALITY being expanded to more and more PEOPLE.

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HUNDREDS of ballplayers have performed well after Tommy John SURGERY, in which an elbow ligament is replaced by material from elsewhere on the BODY. More and more, athletes will perform with a bit of this or a bit of that in a joint or muscle.
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I'm very comfortable in my own SKIN now. I STARTED just being myself more and more. For women, this HAPPENS as you get older. I loved my 40s - I thought they were FANTASTIC. And I'm loving my 50s. I'm going to love EVERYTHING because you're either older or dead!

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AMERICAN HISTORY has FALLEN more and more into the HANDS of ACADEMICS.
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More and more, JOURNALISM SEEMS to have hopped out of TRUTH's POCKET and crept into ANOTHER.

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Rock is ironic in that, up to a certain POINT, you can GET BETTER and better at it if you don't mind possibly looking more and more RIDICULOUS.

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If you love SOMETHING - and there are things that I love - you do WANT more and more and more of it, but that's not the way to PRODUCE GOOD work.

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I spent TWO years playing open MIC nights in Brighton, and I heard more and more people saying, 'You should GIVE it a GO in London.'

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More and more couples are having this NEGOTIATION or discussion, but I'm still amazed at the number who aren't and where the CULTURAL norm SORT of kicks in and they just assume that mom's got to be the one who STAYS home, not dad.

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My FATHER was a CPA. He worked HARD in the aircraft industry, and would COME home more and more infrequently. He was about to leave my MOTHER, which he did when I was 15.

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Sanctification is the work of the HOLY Spirit in us whereby our inner being is progressively changed, freeing us more and more from sinful traits and developing WITHIN us over TIME the VIRTUES of Christlike CHARACTER.

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In an INCREASINGLY competitive technology WORLD, VCs must WORK more and more closely with portfolio companies to develop SUPERIOR technology, talent, and operations.

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With TECHNOLOGY being the way that it is RIGHT now with Pro Tools and all that other stuff, more and more people are RECORDING stuff at home and just utilizing YOUTUBE and Facebook.

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