The ACCOUNTING of the sacrifice is, more than ANYTHING else, the ATTITUDE TOWARD WAR memorials in our time.

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Some PEOPLE are that - more than a parent, more than a role MODEL, more than ANYTHING LESS than a RELIGION.

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I think I'm a NERVOUS laugher. Like, when you're in a SITUATION that you don't KNOW what's GOING on, you go to LAUGHTER more than anything.

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Meryl Streep was my HERO. I WANTED to be that TYPE of ACTOR more than ANYTHING.

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The polls are with us on this. They say the American PEOPLE, more than ANYTHING, WANT to see SPENDING cuts RATHER than tax increases.

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When SILENCE of the LAMBS did WELL commercially it was more than anything. My partner Ed Saxon and I were just so relieved that finally we had MADE a MOVIE that had made some money!

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More than ANYTHING for me, MAKING music is about TAKING nothing and making something.

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I MISSED a tuna-fish sandwich with mayo on toasted wheat BREAD more than anything. Six MONTHS after I went vegan, I snuck into a deli and took one home. And, of course, it wasn't nearly as GOOD as I fantasized. It tasted, well, fishy.

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PEOPLE that were in my life for a long TIME turned sinister and tried to control me, and all kinds of weird stuff happened. But there was no conscience INVOLVED; that threw me more than ANYTHING.

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I think we shouldn't be SHY of thinking that we can interpret TEXT like a movie again, depending on the point of view and what we do with it more than anything else. Of course a lot of remakes of important films, particularly of horror films, they SUCK.

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PERSONAL success means nothing if it isn't aligned with the success of the TEAM. I consider myself to be a team player more than ANYTHING ELSE.

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A WONDERFUL emotion to GET things moving when one is STUCK is anger. It was anger more than anything ELSE that had SET me off, roused me into productivity and creativity.

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Watching boxer Dingko Singh's performance at the ASIAN GAMES, Bangkok, where he won gold, was the DEFINING moment. I was 15 and enjoyed sports more than ANYTHING else. Singh's performance CHANGED my life and inspired me to follow boxing.

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I LEARN THINGS myself. I CALL it YouTube UNIVERSITY; YouTube has taught me more than anything. I learned how to tie a tie, all my pick-up LINES come from YouTube reruns of 'Fresh Prince.'

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STYLE ICONS ALWAYS CHANGE, and they usually inspire my haircuts more than anything else.

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