My father was an urchin that LIVED in Hell's KITCHEN. He was part of a family of NINE. I mean, there were TIMES that were better and worse, but mostly, by the time we got to L.A., they'd LOST whatever they had. And it was a sad time. And both he and I became truck drivers for different companies.

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A well-designed home has to be very COMFORTABLE. I can't stand the aesthetes, the minimal thing. I can't live that way. My home has to be filled with stuff - MOSTLY paintings, sculpture, my FISH LAMPS, cardboard furniture, lots of books.

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I've certainly DONE some turkeys along the WAY and made some dumb choices in my career, mostly early on. I'm one of the lucky ones who got to make a lot of MISTAKES very early when no one was paying ATTENTION.

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I think if you ask people why they watch me, there WOULD be some COMMON thread among all of them that I'm somewhat of an awkward OLDER sister. I have a teen, MOSTLY female demographic. How that happened, I don't know. But I think they see me as some sort of bizarre ROLE model, and I'll keep trying to do that for them.

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I mostly play my dynasty or against someone in the hotel. I don't really LIKE online games. I can't STAND people yelling in my EAR over a headset. I'd RATHER just play someone like Dwight Howard out in Orlando or people back home. For games like that, it's COOL, but just signing on and playing random people, I hate it.

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Writing is a mysterious PROCESS, and many ideas come from deep within the imagination, so it's very hard to say how CHARACTERS come about. Mostly, they just happen.

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When I was in high school I SAW Steven Wright, a brilliant one-liner comedian, and I thought: 'That's what I should do; I should write one-liners.' And I did. My FIRST ALBUM is MOSTLY one-liners.

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I'm MOSTLY a keep-to-myself kind of guy, but you slowly FIND yourself GETTING folded into the MUSICAL tapestry.

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There is nothing incompatible about laughter and DEMONS, nor about athletic achievement and DEPRESSION. MIKE Flanagan MADE me laugh, too. But mostly, he made me BRAVE.

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It's mostly WOMEN who I get really weird FAN MAIL from.

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I grew up in a suburb of Baltimore with an extremely high concentration of Jewish families - where the Levys and Cohens in the high school yearbook went on for pages, where I could COUNT far more temples than I ever could CHURCHES. ANTI-SEMITISM, in our CULTURAL biodome, was mostly an abstract CONCEPT.

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But Contra la Puerta was DONE mostly in the opposite WAY, starting with SOUNDS and melodies.

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I was very INTERESTED in THEATRE, MOSTLY in STAGE design. I did a little bit of acting.

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I'm a gatekeeper, and the gatekeepers all USED to be MOSTLY OLD, WHITE MEN.

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