Empathy probably STARTED out as a mechanism to improve MATERNAL care. Mammalian MOTHERS who were attentive to their YOUNG's NEEDS were more likely to rear successful offspring.

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Obviously VICTORIA and Mel B have become MOTHERS and there is a part of me that WANTS to be a MUM.

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I BELIEVE that bringing a LIFE into this world is the single most important THING a person can undertake, and it can also be the most challenging. I think as mothers we are all just trying our BEST.

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The TRUTH is that no matter how old we are, as long as our MOTHERS are ALIVE, we want our mother. And it's a very POWERFUL relationship if it's HEALTHY.

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It MAKES no sense to spend precious resources on propping up loss-making, state-owned enterprises when they could be used to get more CHILDREN into SCHOOL or provide more midwives to reduce the number of mothers DYING in childbirth.

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Modern women are just bombarded. There's nothing but media TELLING us we're all supposed to be GREAT cooks, have great style, be great in bed, be the best MOTHERS, speak SEVEN languages, and be able to understand derivatives. And we don't really have women we're modeling after, so we're all looking for how to do this.

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My mother is home. Your mother is your home. Everybody is a momma's boy or a momma's girl. That's where we CAME from, from a woman's womb. She always GAVE me good advice because mothers know best at times. She gives me advice and I TAKE it, run with it and share that with somebody else.

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I don't see people. I don't see MEN and WOMEN at all. When I see them, I see... their MOTHERS and fathers. I see how old they are inside. LIKE when I look at the PRESIDENT, or anybody in a record company, or a store owner, I may see a little boy behind the counter with the face of an old man. And that's who I talk to.

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When I was a young boy, very young boy, mothers didn't work. Women were HOME, they TOOK CARE of the house, they washed the dishes and took care of the children. That's what they did, and that's what my mother did.

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We NEVER got anything out of the recordings. I'm STILL as broke as I was when I was with the MOTHERS.

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The IMAGES I like best are PARTS of series that I've started, in some cases, with the pregnancies of the mothers of the children in question, and I CONTINUE that series right on through the BIRTH of children to the child that resulted from that FIRST pregnancy.

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On Mother's Day, we TAKE a moment to stop and honor our mothers for all they do. It has been my PRIVILEGE to know mothers who have turned INCREDIBLE loss and PAIN into tremendous advocacy and GREATER social change.

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A song that PAYS tribute to MOTHERS was ALWAYS on my BUCKET list.

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We live in a culture that does not encourage women to be epic HEROES of their own Big Stories but the MOTHERS and lovers and wives and mistresses and muses and PERSONAL assistants, the femme fatales and fantasies and MANIC pixie dream girls, in someone else's Big Story, and this someone else is usually a dude.

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