I THINK in my generation, when I came along in the early '60s, the type of MUSIC that was in VOGUE in SOCIETY in those days had moved on to another kind of music. I was trying to sell antiques in a modern appliance store.

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Once I STARTED to retire, I was TELLING all of the girls in my generation, 'Wow I feel LIKE an outsider in this locker room because this whole new generation of women has stepped in,' and that was one of the signs where I said maybe it's TIME to retire.

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When you're YOUNG, with LESS on the line, it's easier to be AUDACIOUS, to EXPERIMENT. So I introduced the concerns of my generation - politics, sex, drugs, rock-and-roll, etc. - to the comics PAGE, which for many years caused a rolling furor.

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My generation had the BEST years. We MISSED the Second World War and caught the outburst of rock 'n' ROLL.

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With 'At What COST,' I was basically reliving a time in my life during the go-go era. I remember when it was popping for my generation and how that FELT and what it LOOKED LIKE.

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Kendrick Lamar DESERVES a GRAMMY. He's one of the BIGGEST, most influential RAPPERS of my GENERATION.

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Of course I ALWAYS knew 'We Will Rock You' and 'We Are The Champions' and all those. But my REAL introduction to Queen the band and KNOWING who they were was the movie 'Wayne's WORLD' like a lot of people in my generation.

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I'm in the PUBLIC EYE, so I have a responsibility as an ACTRESS to my GENERATION. I think that's what ACTING's all about.

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A lot of the 'leave' campaign was CENTERED around a thinly veiled xenophobia, just 'control our own borders.' It's not a good look. I don't think it REPRESENTS Britain; I don't think it represents the U.K. all too well. It BREAKS my HEART for my generation in Britain who are GOING to suffer.

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Even though I have a nice house, nice FAMILY, the rest of my generation is still in South CENTRAL L.A. My cousins, my BROTHERS, my sisters, they don't wanna move out. They don't want to and they don't have the MEANS to sustain it. That's where my heart is and that's what I THINK about all the time.

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I FEEL like it's a real shame that my generation doesn't make an APPEARANCE at the opera.

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I love DANCING in GENERAL and MAKING girls dance. My GENERATION doesn't do it enough.

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You SAY that you HOPE I will be recognized as the BEST novelist of my generation. I WANT you to know now and know completely that that would mean to me absolutely nothing.

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My GENERATION have had it GOOD, and I am REALLY TROUBLED by what we have DONE with it.

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