As a nation, we MUST address the PERSECUTION of all religious MINORITIES.

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IDENTITY THEFT is one of the fastest-growing CRIMES in the NATION - especially in the SUBURBS.

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He who CONTROLS the MONEY SUPPLY of a NATION controls the nation.

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A nation WITHOUT borders is like a house without walls - it collapses. And that is what is going to HAPPEN to our WONDERFUL America.

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HONORING our NATION's HEROES and their caregivers is a cause very important to me - especially on Independence DAY.

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The Hebrews have DONE more to civilize MEN than any other NATION. If I were an atheist, and BELIEVED blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential INSTRUMENT for civilizing the nations.

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I mean, the NATION in which we LIVE - and the world in which we live - is so extraordinarily more like a FUTURE than the futures that we're being sold on the screen and on TELEVISION.

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I learned that the problems that we have are not solved by blaming SOMEBODY ELSE, and that our HOPE is not in who governs us as a nation. It's not in Mitt Romney or Barack Obama or Ron Paul. Our hope is in the power of God and his gospel working in the HEARTS of people.

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Governing a GREAT nation is like COOKING a SMALL fish - too MUCH handling will spoil it.

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I think one of the basest of all THINGS is fear. Fear erodes the INDIVIDUAL. Fear erodes the NATION, the spine of the nation.

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And that is that we have never been: a NATION of haves and have-nots. We are a nation of haves and soon-to-haves, of PEOPLE who have MADE it and people who will MAKE it. And that's who we need to remain.

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The Freedom CAUCUS represents a pessimistic, divisive, and gerrymandered view of our nation. If AMERICA is to make progress, we must step FORWARD from this form of POLITICS - not just because we disagree with this or that policy but because it is fundamentally undemocratic and tyrannical.

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The question is how much of your privacy and your CONVENIENCE and your commerce do you want your nation's SECURITY apparatus to squeeze in order to KEEP you safe? And it is a choice that we have to MAKE.

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I WATCHED the Bush administration overreact to the Clinton administration, who believed they did too MUCH nation building, sustaining other COUNTRIES, and that's why we never put the commitment on Afghanistan and Iraq that should have been in there under their policy leadership.

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