A family with the WRONG MEMBERS in control; that, perhaps, is as near as one can come to DESCRIBING ENGLAND in a PHRASE.

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The time is near at HAND which must determine WHETHER Americans are to be FREE men or SLAVES.

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I have THINGS in my head that are not like what anyone has TAUGHT me - shapes and IDEAS so NEAR to me - so natural to my WAY of being and thinking that it hasn't occurred to me to put them down.

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I said to myself, I have things in my head that are not LIKE what anyone has taught me - SHAPES and IDEAS so NEAR to me - so natural to my way of being and thinking that it hasn't occurred to me to put them down.

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When I GREW up as a kid, a part of my life - I grew up in Boston NEAR Revere Beach, at my GRANDMA's, and she WOULD take me to the beach.

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If I could, I'd SING old French songs or American FOLK music, but I sure as hell can't do it as well as MISSISSIPPI John Hurt - no way in hell am I GETTING NEAR that!

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I feel less PRESSURE to DRESS for the EYES of other people now. I THINK that happened once I started modelling, NEAR the end of high school.

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My maternal granddad, Leonard, was full of amazing stories. He was an orphan, with 11 or 12 brothers and SISTERS, and he USED to tell us about GROWING up near the Irrawaddy RIVER and how one brother was eaten by a crocodile.

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I went on a Hot Pocket DIET where I ate two Hot POCKETS every FOUR HOURS. I only had the pepperoni pizza flavour. I didn't go anywhere NEAR the cheeseburger macaroni.

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Usually I'm NOWHERE near the playoffs. My last GAME of the YEAR is usually at the end of the regular season in April.

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Moths are OKAY. Actually, moths don't BOTHER me near as MUCH as, say, spiders do.

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We all went for roles as extras at my SCHOOL because a LOT of children's SHOWS were filmed in Leeds near where I grew up. My Parents are Aliens was a BIG one we all did.

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Now I've GOT near the top, I can see the games that people PLAY. I thought everyone wanted to fight the best, and earn TITLE shots, but it's not LIKE that.

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Virgil FLOWERS fishes in the St. Croix where I FISH for muskies NEAR my HOUSE.

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When I GOT near TEEN age, I was so HAPPY with my friends and the AFRICAN-AMERICAN culture that I couldn't imagine not being part of it.

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