As blue chips turn into penny stocks, Wall Street seems less like a symbol of America's MACHO capitalism and more like that FAMOUS Jane Austen CHARACTER Mrs. Bennet, a flibbertigibbet always anxious about GETTING richer and her 'poor NERVES.'
Nothing is like being out there and playing and performing and winning - nothing. But to have an interest in the PLAYER? The nerves and EVERYTHING that goes with it? Seeing what he's learned and how he's done it? That's the SECONDBEST thing to playing. I THINK.
In our story logic which we're MAKING up, if we're saying he's ALIVE, then like a quadriplegic who's in bed he can move his HEAD and shoulders, but he can't move his arms. If he could just turn on that POWER to his LEGS and arms, the nerves could get through and he could walk.