It's ALWAYS NICE when PEOPLE SAY nice THINGS or are complimentary.

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The INDUSTRY doesn't usually say NICE things about my work. My films take a while till they are accepted as GOOD and I THINK 'Yennai Arindhaal' too will go through that phase.

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I think that one of the nice things about the YELLOW Submarine MOVIE is that it seems to be perennial. People enjoy watching from each GENERATION. And it was like the BEATLES themselves. You know the Beatles seem to find NEW audience each time another generation comes along.

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You always GET one or two PEOPLE that aren't going to be saying nice THINGS. It doesn't REALLY bother me, but you're always going to get a few people LIKE that.

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I LIKE nice things, I LOVE money really, don't I? But I don't love the fame side. All I care about is my WORLD title, being in big FIGHTS and being KNOWN for that.

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All players want NICE things to be said and written about them and you have to TAKE the reverse in EQUAL MEASURE.

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I'm not a GOOD PERSON to have as an enemy; SAY NICE things about me.

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The more people say NICE THINGS about me, the more I FEEL it's FALSE.

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I was excited that my FILMS would finally see the LIGHT of day and people would see them. But I never IMAGINED that such nice THINGS would be SAID about a lot of my films.

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I was introduced to MONEY as a TEENAGER, my friends had NICE things. It came NATURALLY to me to TRY and make money.

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Science GIVES us a powerful VOCABULARY, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to produce a vocabulary with which one can only SAY nice things.

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A LOT of people stop me to say NICE things about 'The West Wing,' nice things about 'Sports Night' - so MANY people that I'm like, 'Where were you when it was on?'

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I've had lots of people SAYING very nice THINGS about the WORK. But I genuinely feel in the COURSE of a writing CAREER you're going to have people say very nice things and some not-so-nice things, and if at all possible you should try to ignore both.

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I Googled myself, and I SAW some nice things and some not-so-nice things. I've LEARNED that that STUFF isn't REAL, and it doesn't EXIST unless you look at it.

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