I had no interest in steroids. I didn't NEED them, and I didn't WANT them. I NEVER wanted them. From the get-go, I've frequently mouthed off about their negative IMPACT on the game.

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I have no INTEREST in going to EGYPT and seeing the pyramids. I'm just not that kind of DUDE.

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I have ALMOST no interest in quarterly REPORTS. Running a BUSINESS or investing in a business BASED on quarterly earnings doesn't make any SENSE at all to me.

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Thinking back about THROWING myself at CERTAIN gentlemen that had no interest in me, that'll bring a blush to my face if I THINK about it too often.

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There's nothing I want less than a PIECE of CHEESE or a BURGER. I have nightmares I'm being force-fed these things. I have no interest in converting anyone. It's PURELY how I want to live my life. I don't judge anyone.

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Now you have PEOPLE in WASHINGTON who have no interest in the COUNTRY at all. They're INTERESTED in their companies, their corporations grabbing Caspian OIL.

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The GENERAL public, they get bored. There's no INTEREST because they think, or they know, Demetrious Johnson will always win. And I've always said, EVEN after that loss to Demetrious Johnson, even after he BEAT me, I said I felt him a little bit. I still BELIEVE I can beat him, even after being knocked down the first round.

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It USED to be that you WOULD go in to SEE a CEO, and you would ASK them, 'Is your COMPANY for sale?' and if they said 'No, we have no interest in selling,' that was sort of the end of the conversation.

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Understand, I had absolutely no INTEREST in writing; I wanted to be a WRITER.

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If TECHNIQUE is of no INTEREST to a WRITER, I DOUBT that the writer is an ARTIST.

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I have absolutely no interest in running for president again. None. None. I MEAN, I KNOW that's HARD for some people to believe, but, you know, I just don't.

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I have no INTEREST in a GUY who doesn't KNOW the RIGHT END of a screwdriver.

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Before I was 12 YEARS old, I had no INTEREST in music; I was just into football. Then I heard Don McLean's 'Vincent' come on at the end of an episode of 'The Simpsons.' You know when you hear SOMETHING and you don't UNDERSTAND why you like it, you just do? That's how I felt. I just thought, 'I want to be able to write songs like that.'

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