I'm very GOOD at BLOCKING out NOISE.

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We're a BIT flashy, but the MUSIC's not one BIG NOISE.

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For me, being an ACTRESS, my responsibility is not to PAY attention to all the noise around me and to pay attention to the script and the director and protect the character and try to TELL her story the best I can.

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One PERSON's ROAR is ANOTHER's whine, just as one person's MUSIC is another's unendurable NOISE.

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I was frustrated as a child when I had to USE a vacuum. It had a screaming noise and the smell of stale dog and a LACK of PERFORMANCE.

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Definitely, as an INDIAN, I'm seen as an outsider, and definitely, the jeers come from that. But I ENJOY it; I EVEN encourage it. Whatever noise they make when I'm in the ring, it motivates me, DRIVES me to do BETTER.

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There is a lot of noise and conflict in our political DISCOURSE, which is fun to cover, but I'm convinced from my travels that PEOPLE ALSO THIRST for more details as well as INSIGHT and context.

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The GUITAR is a funny INSTRUMENT because you have bendable strings and distortion - there's a potential for NOISE. It is more exposing. Actually CONTROLLING the instrument, USING proper vibrato, bending notes in tune, not fretting too hard, controlling the noise is a skill in itself that takes many years.

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On 'Black BEN Carson,' I had strict no MELODY THING. I wanted straight, raw, rugged noise music.

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We ignore noise, and we really just to TRY hunker down on preparation, our PRACTICE, and GOING out and TRYING to play our best GAMES on Sundays.

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Sadly, piped MUSIC in so many PUBLIC spaces is often just more noise. Rarely is it CAREFULLY designed to enhance our experience; much more likely it is there because retailers have subscribed to an incorrect VIEW that music makes PEOPLE spend more.

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At home, my PARENTS were quite old, so the surrounding was of elder people. There was no NOISE. Reading BOOKS was encouraged; TV was not encouraged, so I was the geeky, studious type of girl.

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Don DeLillo's 'White NOISE,' which I READ when I was 19. It showed me that a book can be FUNNY as HELL and deadly serious.

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I have a small entourage of PEOPLE who I trust. I VALUE their OPINION on my career. And I stick to those VOICES. The rest is just background NOISE.

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We're a ROCK BAND. We're proud of it. We're not an ART band, a noise band, or an EXTREME band.

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