I loved Woody Allen's short pieces. I was equally influenced by Woody Allen and Norman Mailer. I was very into this idea of being high-low, of being serious and INTELLECTUAL but also making REALLY BROAD JOKES.

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Used to be, conservatives revered the Average American, that Norman Rockwell oil painting of DINER food, humble faith, HONEST TOIL, and Capraesque VIRTUE.

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My high-school PAPERS, my college-application essays, READ LIKE Norman Mailer packed in a crunchy-peanut-butter SANDWICH.

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You can't PROVE Rembrandt is BETTER than Norman Rockwell - although if you actually do prefer Rockwell, I'd say you were shunning complexity, were secretly conservative, and hadn't really looked at either painter's WORK. Taste is a blood SPORT.

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I don't GET like when people say Josh Norman is tough. Don't get me WRONG, he's a GOOD PLAYER.

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I CONSIDER myself a DISCIPLE of Norman Lear. And one of the THINGS he did was topic-driven HUMOR.

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PLAYING in a CITY LIKE Norman, where it's all about OKLAHOMA FOOTBALL. A no-brainer for me.
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When in 1963 we started large-scale research and testing with semi-dwarf varieties of wheat obtained from Mexico through Norman Borlaug, the new PLANT types attracted MEDIA ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY.

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I've always been a FAN of books that create an INTERESTING blend of fact and fiction - WHETHER it's Norman Mailer, or 'The SHORT Timers,' or 'In Cold BLOOD.' I'm a fan of that genre.

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NICK's just from this very Norman Rockwell-ish family. They're very 'American GOTHIC,' and his PARENTS are so kind, and they're not brash PEOPLE; they're very soft spoken, SALT of the earth.
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Norman Rockwell - EVEN though we think of him as a great AMERICAN artist, in a lot of museums he has not garnered that kind of attention. And it's this kind of ACCESSIBILITY that we're trying to bring - not LOOKING down on any art.

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When I turned 18, was the first TIME that I really STARTED concentrating on politics. And I started doing so because I REALIZED that in ORDER to really CREATE and generate change, it has to come from changing laws... so I started campaigning for Norman Lear's foundation, which was Declare Yourself.

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