Sometimes you have to listen to a CD over and over before you really get it, but as soon as I heard the first NOTE of R&B ARTIST Chrisette Michele's DEBUT CD, I was blown away. Her voice is playful but pretty, LIGHT but strong - the woman's got soul.

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The PROFESSIONAL CHILDREN's School, it's for professional KIDS, so if you wanted to DITCH, you could just WRITE, Audition on a note and leave. I didn't really like school all that much.

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I'm more creative the more RULES I have - note VALUES, tempos, DYNAMIC markings. Somehow, I find that really inspiring.

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If you put your HAND on the piano, you PLAY a NOTE. It's in TUNE. But if you put it on the violin, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. You have to figure it out.

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On a personal note, myself, I find religion - I can understand it, I can understand why we have it, as a kind of FORCE on the planet. And I ALSO at the same TIME think it's LUDICROUS.

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Although the STORY of George and Lennie in 'Of MICE and Men' ends on a DEPRESSING note, there is a peculiar aura of HUMAN dignity in it, a hint of redemption.

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Being charitable provides a boost to your psyche that is tough to replicate in any other WAY. But note that although any CHARITY will happily take your money, you can GIVE in other ways and still reap the same HAPPINESS reward. Volunteering and donating your old or UNUSED belongings have the same result.

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When I first went to LA. Honestly, it was DIFFERENT for me. The whole thing, the STUDENT-athlete part, you know, where the student came before the athlete. That was totally new to me. I had down online SCHOOL SINCE fifth grade so I never really had sat in a classroom and taken a NOTE.

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Joachim Alcine does CERTAIN things in the ring that I've seen and TAKEN NOTE of. There are some things I believe I can take advantage of.

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I was just OBSESSED with soul singers who had these big powerful VOICES. I used to LISTEN to Aretha, Whitney, Mariah and TRY and imitate them, note for note and riff for riff.

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I have a HUGE rib CAGE, which is why I can hold a note out until I'm blue in the FACE... because I have such a big lung capacity.

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The convertible NOTE is a USEFUL and common financing structure in Silicon Valley. It's a form of debt that is really more a TYPE of equity - one where the valuation hasn't been determined yet.

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I can PLAY just about any KEYBOARD but I can't READ or WRITE a NOTE.

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If I can hear the music then no, I don't HIT a WRONG note. But if I can't hear the music because the audience is screaming or the sound system is BAD, then I'm SUBJECT to stray.

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