I LOVE all the ATTENTION, PEOPLE NOTICING me. 'There's the gymnast. There she is!'

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I used to believe that it was not possible to lose SOMEONE I loved without sensing it SOMEHOW, without FEELING something shift. But it's not true. People can die, sometimes the CLOSEST people to US, without us noticing a thing.

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A 10-year-old KNOWS a LOT. If you think she or he isn't noticing the WORLD AROUND them, you're MISSING a lot.

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Having a GIANT beard really distracts PEOPLE from NOTICING you're barely keeping it TOGETHER EMOTIONALLY.

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People are identifying not only with the trans MOVEMENT, but also the Pfefferman FAMILY. What I am NOTICING is people are coming up on the street and TALKING about their life and their family, and they say, 'Your family is just like mine.'

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I'm NOTICING a lot of the big bloggers who've posted about POLITICS are experiencing an UGLY backlash. Readers are angry because they went to the bloggers' sites for a laugh, not a LECTURE. Again, it's a question of being appropriate for the AUDIENCE.

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We tend to run our whole life TRYING to avoid all that HURTS or displeases us, noticing the objects, people, or SITUATIONS that we think will GIVE us pain or PLEASURE, avoiding one and pursuing the other.

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2021, I am noticing, I am doing a lot of romantic SONGS which are going to be NICE and SPECIAL.

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If my kids were to MAKE a talking doll of me as a MOTHER, one of my recorded phrases would be 'I will throw that in the trash.' 'If you don't put that down right now, I will throw that in the trash.' It's very funny to hear myself say CERTAIN things - LIKE NOTICING which phrases become the most popular to use.

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PEOPLE started noticing my singing on YouTube, and then I came to L.A., and I LIVED on a studio couch. I WROTE SONGS every single DAY with whoever I could write songs with.
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It is quite hard to relax in LONDON. I always SAY I'd MOVE somewhere quieter, but I am a bit of a confirmed urbanite now - it crept up on me without me NOTICING. I always think that I function quite well on my own, unusually so, but then I'm reminded how important people are to me.

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I HOPE it never gets to that point that I'm gonna have people AROUND me that are using me. I'm very good with noticing that.

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The FUNNY thing about being creative is that, especially high SCHOOL people, I KEPT NOTICING I'd always go to these certain materials. I'd always be picking up trash and picking up paper and using it.

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Mom DEVELOPED an INTEREST in 'heritage-language education after noticing an increasing number of STUDENTS in her UCLA classes whose PARENTS were Russian.

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