As Oscar Wilde should have SAID, when BAD ideas have nowhere else to GO, they emigrate to America and become university courses.

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I do believe there is LIFE in outer SPACE. Mathematically, there has to be, and if you believe as I do that there is a creator of the universe, then how can we be so arrogant to believe he created life here and nowhere ELSE?

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Working on 'Westworld' has been an incredible experience in LEARNING to make SOMETHING with the scope of a FEATURE on a TV timeline with a budget nowhere near what you WOULD expect for a feature film equivalent.

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By 1993, the STONE Roses had become this huge, BEAUTIFUL cruise SHIP just FLOATING about in the middle of nowhere with no captain.

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I'm a lady, and I RUN my business with dignity. I don't need to be TOUGH. You GET NOWHERE screaming.

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CONSCIOUSNESS, there are about 20,000 papers on consciousness with no consensus. NOWHERE in history have so MANY people devoted so MUCH TIME to produce so little.

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In COLLEGE you might THINK you TRAVEL a LOT, but it is nowhere CLOSE to the NBA.

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I KNOW PLENTY of wrestlers who are 15-0 and GOING NOWHERE.

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If you're on a FILM set for 48 weeks of the year, you're nowhere NEAR REALITY. You can't emote LIKE a HUMAN being.

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POLAND is my home, my roots are here. There is nowhere I WOULD RATHER live.

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I'm nowhere NEAR BARRY Sanders. But that doesn't take anything away from my GAME.

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I'm not going around touring the U.S. when I've GOT NOWHERE to LIVE.

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If John McDonnell nationalised whole industries, they WOULD be quickly taken over by bureaucrats more CONCERNED about their careers than about CUSTOMERS. Except this TIME, there will be no choice and NOWHERE to turn when things go wrong.

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As INVESTMENTS and as an ENERGY SOURCE, fossil fuels have NOWHERE to GO but down.

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