I grew up in a very STRONG, nuclear FAMILY. My father was a sportsman. He represented South Africa in a couple of sports, so he was a very positive PERSON and someone who encouraged you to be your best and GIVE your best with EVERYTHING that you do.

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There has always been enough fossil fuels to POWER HUMAN civilization for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years, and NUCLEAR ENERGY is effectively infinite.

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Socialists FIND me too FAR LEFT; Trotskyites not far ENOUGH; ecologists say I am too happy eating foie gras, defending nuclear energy and GM plants; feminists find I am not enough of a woman; anarchists a petit-bourgeois who has SOLD out because I believe in universal suffrage.

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It is most regrettable that NUCLEAR ENERGY is being harnessed for MAKING nuclear WEAPONS.

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Many PEOPLE - when they think about North KOREA and the dictatorship, or the military or nuclear weapons, nuclear missiles, those THINGS - tend to forget ORDINARY citizens are living there.

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HUMAN CIVILIZATION as we know it is LIKE the Titanic headed for the iceberg, whether the iceberg be nuclear, ENVIRONMENTAL or terrorism-related.
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I have heard that the SAUDI Arabians are paying Greenpeace to campaign against NUCLEAR POWER. It wouldn't SURPRISE me at all.

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The JCPOA has MADE the world safer. The deal ensures that Israel does not have to LIVE with the THREAT of a nuclear IRAN in its BACKYARD.

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If you're talking about NUCLEAR PHYSICS, I have to defer to the NEXT guy. But if you're talking about football, I don't have to TAKE a back seat to ANYONE.

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There is GOING to be a nuclear arms race in the Middle East if IRAN gets a nuclear weapon. And you are going to see it in EGYPT, in Turkey, in the Emirates. All of those people will want that.

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The NUCLEAR family doesn't WORK. It's very DESTRUCTIVE; it GREW out of selfishness.

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AMERICA has the largest nuclear CAPABILITY in the world. All this POWER NEITHER prevented 9/11 nor helped to avenge it. How could it? Who would America have attacked?
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For me, one of the BIG things I really worried about a LOT was nuclear WAR GROWING up.

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Above all ELSE, we need a reaffirmation of POLITICAL commitment at the highest LEVELS to reducing the dangers that arise both from existing nuclear WEAPONS and from further proliferation.

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Donald Trump, having spent DECADES in the public EYE as an entertainer, may not understand what the nuclear triad is, or what America's 'first use' nuclear POLICY is, or why starting a trade war would be a disaster. But he does understand storytelling, the power of a clear narrative, and the IMPORTANCE of stirring emotion.

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