NUMEROUS ACADEMIC studies have shown that AMATEUR investors make poor traders - buying STOCKS for the wrong reasons, holding LOSERS for too long, and acting on whims and emotions.
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You DECIDE whether you want to box on, or not. And for me of course, I wasn't GOING to be leaving the BUSINESS until becoming a world champion, and DEFENDING it numerous times.

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Descriptive ANATOMY comprises a detailed ACCOUNT of the NUMEROUS organs of which the body is formed, especially with reference to their outward form, their internal STRUCTURE, the mutual relations they bear to each other, and the successive conditions they present during their development.

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Politicians NEED a better UNDERSTANDING of global ecology. We need to be freed from our SPECIES-specific arrogance. No evidence EXISTS that we are 'chosen', the unique species for which all the others were made. Nor are we the most important one because we are so numerous, POWERFUL and dangerous.

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I've numerous TIMES HEARD mothers in STORES tell their CHILDREN not to go near me.

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Numerous things that go on such as the WAY HOUSTON interacts with my family; we're treated in a first-class way. They helped US when my wife lost our baby daughter in a miscarriage. They help with anything you ASK of them because they are a very caring organization with positive attitudes about its PLAYERS.

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There were NUMEROUS times where, at the end of a week of working on a SONG, there was a part of it that we still weren't FEELING, so we'd scrap the whole THING and start from SCRATCH the next week.

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The HISTORICAL Woodrow Wilson suffered from NUMEROUS complaints which we might TODAY label as psychosomatic. Yet, Wilson did have a stroke as a relatively young man of 39 and seemed ALWAYS to be ill. He was 'high-strung' - INTENSELY neurotic - yet a charismatic personality nonetheless.

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NUMEROUS observations made upon fevers, somnambulisms, and other human maladies, seem to prove that the MOON does EXERCISE some MYSTERIOUS INFLUENCE upon man.
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NUMEROUS STUDIES have shown how when one PERSON in a romantic coupling GETS depressed, the other BECOMES more depressed.
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I've been teaching myself the FUNDAMENTALS and being around some good players, but also been LEARNING to play TEAM games, playing 3-on-3s, playing 1-on-1s, playing 5-on-5s, playing 21. There are guys BIGGER than me on the court, but I've had numerous comparisons to Ty Lawson.

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Lack of understanding of interrelatedness has caused numerous divisions and conflicts that are the cause of many major challenges in the WORLD such as WAR, violence, terrorism, ECONOMIC disparity, and EXPLOITATION.

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We have required under law for years that men and women GET paid EQUAL money for equal work. But we've faced challenges enforcing that law. There is still a large wage gap, and there are NUMEROUS instances of women holding jobs where they are not compensated fairly.

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NUMEROUS are the posthumous museums and memorials DEVOTED exclusively to one artist, architect or author and designed to PRESERVE or artificially reconstruct the namesake's ORIGINAL working or living conditions.
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Most cities have a CENTRE SURROUNDED by suburbs, but LONDON has numerous centres: it's the model of a twenty-first CENTURY metropolis.

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