There are few women in America that don't WANT to LOSE 5 pounds, but I REFUSE to let that thought dominate my LIFE. And there are too many other real problems in the world - real obesity problems and real hunger problems - to worry that MUCH about a few pounds that I'd like to lose.

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Cities simply don't have the powers they NEED to radically innovate in CUTTING OBESITY or the NUMBER of disaffected teenagers.

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I THINK we need to MAKE access to MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES a priority in the obesity strategy, too.

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Promoting healthy lifestyles and ENCOURAGING fitness are so IMPORTANT for our children's DEVELOPMENT and reducing the nation's EPIDEMIC of childhood OBESITY.

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The CORRELATION between POVERTY and OBESITY can be traced to agricultural POLICIES and subsidies.

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OBESITY affects every aspect of a PEOPLE's lives, from health to relationships.
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You can be predisposed genetically, but it's not a sentence. I'm genetically predisposed, but I MANAGE my weight. The ROOT of obesity, THOUGH, is usually emotional. The poor habits are a symptom of a deeper emotional ISSUE.

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A high nutrient DIET, if widely adopted, could bring millions of people in touch with true hunger, and stop the proliferation of obesity and preventable chronic DISEASE.

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The infant MORTALITY RATES are insanely high. The obesity EPIDEMIC is on the rise. It is all RELATED.

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OBESITY puts our CHILDREN at RISK of developing serious diseases - such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and depression. It KEEPS our children from performing their best at school.
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I care a lot about BIG FOOD and EVERYONE's RIGHT to healthy, nutritious food and what's caused OBESITY in America and obesity in children in America.

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I am not a member of FAT Liberation, nor do I THINK that obesity is healthy. But I do believe that in MANY ways my LIFE has been a more charmed and happy one because I was ALWAYS large.

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GETTING kids moving is a KEY factor in TACKLING OBESITY and health problems among the young.
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As the ISSUE of youth fitness - from obesity to proper exercise regimens - TAKES on more resonance in schools and communities across the country, CrossFit KIDS and other preschool fitness programs are raising questions about when and how CHILDREN should start playing organized sports or hitting the gym.

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We're fit, we're healthy, we eat right, we work out. 'Plus size MODEL' does not mean that we're not healthy. Plus size is not glamourising obesity: it's about EMPOWERING. The MESSAGE behind the fashion is feeling CONFIDENT in whatever you're WEARING.

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