If I have to play an obnoxious character, try to FIND a redeeming feature of him. The most obnoxious people in the WORLD were people, and they had had a REASON for doing what they did. So you try to find that and let the obnoxiousness COME out.

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When I read the script for '90210,' I thought, 'Boy, this is very superficial,' and it was. I mean, the pilot was all about the glitz and the glamour of Beverly HILLS, the OBNOXIOUS kids, and the fish-out-of-water story of Brenda and Brandon Walsh. I couldn't discern from that first script that the SHOW WOULD become very issue-oriented.

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Even if they're not ASIAN or super rich... EVERYONE has a nagging mother. Everyone has that OBNOXIOUS uncle, or that cousin who's a BIT too snobby.

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I was KIND of an obnoxious KID. I would imitate Celine Dion. I would jump around and BELT to the rafters and do the accent and EVERYTHING.

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I remember GETTING notified that I won an award, and I gloated up a storm to my MOTHER, and I was so obnoxious about it, but I said to her, 'Momma, I'm going to ENJOY every moment of this because tomorrow, something BAD is going to HAPPEN.'

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DONALD Trump wouldn't work on PAPER. Obnoxious, crass, boastful, and VULGAR, with garish tastes and a Stepford wife - as a fictional character, he'd seem too crudely DRAWN. Even in a trashy airport thriller, readers wouldn't buy such a boor as PRESIDENT.
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I was ALWAYS good at math, but I was good at EVERYTHING. It sounds obnoxious, but I was just smart. In SCHOOL, it's kind of obvious when you're learning THINGS FASTER than other kids.

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I'm pretty aggressive, and maybe OBNOXIOUS, about TRYING to GET WORK.

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