As far as VALUE GOES, obviously it's nicer to be in an environment where you feel COMFORTABLE. But it's also CLEAR that it's probably not the most realistic THING.

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In the past, my SUCCESS has come with sticking to one PLAN. That usually WORKS. OBVIOUSLY it's going to falter, and I'm going to go into slumps here and there, but stick with the plan, and HOPEFULLY it will come out successful more times than not.

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Between now and then and I just felt it was ready and it was a LONG enough period GONE by. I obviously didn't want to HURT anybody, you know. It was done out of a genuine memorial or tribute whatever you want to CALL it.

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Settings are OBVIOUSLY important - and as a writer, you have to respect what was real at the time of the story you're writing. But the real KEY to SUCCESS LIES in FINDING the right characters to carry that story.

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I loved movies. In particular, I loved movies depicting places and events that obviously you couldn't have gone out and SHOT. It was OBVIOUS you were LOOKING at something that had been manufactured in some WAY. I was fascinated by that.

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Obviously, KANYE and I are very different in the way we EXPRESS ourselves publicly. He's so passionate... about art, about culture, about CREATIVITY. And he's really good at it. And that honesty manifests itself in ways that are not politically correct, not socially acceptable SOMETIMES.

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I USED to boast that Whole Foods was sort of recession-proof. And obviously I've been proven wrong. So I'm not BOASTING about that any LONGER.

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Theologians have a GREAT problem because they're seeking to SPEAK about God. SINCE God is the ground of everything that is, there's a SENSE in which every HUMAN inquiry is grist to the theological mill. Obviously, no theologian can know everything.

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I think that the Information AGE is GREAT, but there's a downside to it OBVIOUSLY as well, and it's that false information can be perpetuated so quickly. And it's SAD that so MANY people will believe it.

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I feel for the guys in UFC who helped open the UFC up. OBVIOUSLY, I'm getting blackballed there by the UFC, so I'm kind of feeling on both sides. If a promotion or SOMEBODY in that promotion decides they don't like an individual, then they get to MAKE up the rules, and the fans don't get a say in it at all.

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When you score, it is obviously a great feeling, but to give a great PASS is also SOMETHING SPECIAL for me. I think it is also very under-rated sometimes, what we do.

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TV is obviously so different from FILM: because it's a never-ending process, it KEEPS GOING; you keep receiving new pages.

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I'm a TEAM GUY, OBVIOUSLY. When a team NEEDS me to be AGGRESSIVE, I have to be aggressive.

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When we were filming the first 'Magic Mike,' we obviously had a limited BUDGET; it was an independent film. And we WOULD ENTERTAIN extras in between TAKES.

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Obviously the commercial NEWS media tries to get you WORKED up and terrified so you'll BUY PRODUCTS that they're advertising.

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