My parents were BRUTAL to each other, so I slept in the basement by an old coal-fired furnace. I BECAME a street kid. Occasionally, I'd live with aunts or UNCLES, then I'd run away to live in the woods, trapping and hunting game to survive. The wilderness pulled at me; STILL does.

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I occasionally rapped along to some homegrown KOREAN rap. And then a friend introduced me to Wu-Tang and played me 'Enter the 36th Chambers.' It was very SHOCKING. And then I started to LOOK for different albums. This was pre-Internet, so it's hard to find the music, and it was even HARDER to find music VIDEOS.

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I SEE comments occasionally about the way I speak but it GOES STRAIGHT over my head. You speak the way you speak and it is a SILLY thing to judge someone on.

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KIND of MAKING that leap from a team that wins occasionally to a team that wins the MAJORITY of the time, a lot of times just comes down with figuring out how tough it is to win, and then executing down the stretch to do it.

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I wrote about 22 PLAYS before 'When You Cure Me,' which was staged in 2005. I occasionally get them out and have a READ, THINKING maybe there's a thought or an idea or even a turn of phrase that I COULD use for something NEW. There's not. They're dire.

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I wanted to WRITE or direct more than I wanted to be in FRONT of the camera. I STILL occasionally feel completely UNCOMFORTABLE being LOOKED at.

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Occasionally, you know, a myth is specific with a CERTAIN model of car, you know, like a Corvette or WHATEVER. And so we END up spending some CASH on those.

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We go out and have a drink occasionally. We're quite HAPPY to go for a NICE meal and go the THEATRE or SOMETHING.

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Occasionally, you GET a nice SURPRISE when someone COVERS your SONG in an EXTRAORDINARY way.

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Particularly now with social MEDIA, you only need to turn round and someone will have a camera in your face and occasionally someone will be TALKING to you at the BAR, ASKING you to POSE for a picture, and someone will say, 'They're videoing this.' They're videoing you at the bar!

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They're the last HUMAN beings susceptible to human shame. Politicians are the only people left for whom, occasionally, shame hurts them. Everyone else, we've sort of DONE away with it as a concept, and we're hurtling through SPACE like ANIMALS, BASICALLY.

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It's IMPORTANT to have PEOPLE who will QUESTION you occasionally.

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We were working class, but my mother stopped working at the mill when she married my father and he went on to become an electrical ENGINEER and later a draughtsman. So although we were never RICH he was bringing in ENOUGH money to be able to splash out occasionally.

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As for being the BEST goalkeeper in the WORLD, it's been WRITTEN occasionally, but I'd NEVER say it myself.

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I don't REALLY PARTY. I'll occasionally have a DRINK.

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