I think it just seems LIKE something that somebody else does, like they raise actors somewhere in Ohio, and once in a while, people GO and pick their actors and move to HOLLYWOOD. It seemed like such a distant IDEA. But then, as I started growing up, I'm like, 'Oh, this is an occupation.'

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Most of the AUTHORS I liked were DEAD, so it didn't seem LIKE a SAFE occupation.

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The DARK outside world of Paris under German OCCUPATION exerted a STRONG containing PRESSURE.

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A BUSINESSMAN is the only MAN who is FOREVER apologizing for his OCCUPATION.

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It could SAFELY be said that Iraqis are DYING at a FASTER clip since the American-led invasion and occupation than they did during the last decade of Saddam Hussein's RULE.

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To be under OCCUPATION, to be under siege, is not a GOOD INSPIRATION for POETRY.

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I CONSIDER that FRANCE and the REPUBLIC were in LONDON during the OCCUPATION and that the Vichy regime was not France.

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Before the Civil War, the SOUTHERN states were SELLING a lot of cotton to ENGLAND and didn't SEEM to mind British occupation. By and large, the Revolutionary War wasn't at all great for business.

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We oppose occupation of LAND by force and we BELIEVE in DIALOGUE as the method for regaining Arab rights. This is the SPIRIT of the Great Arab Revolt.

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I was the little French boy who grew up hearing people talk of De Gaulle and the RESISTANCE. France against the Nazis! Then when that boy grew up, he began to uncover THINGS. We began to legitimately ask the question, 'What EXACTLY did our PARENTS do during the Occupation?' We DISCOVERED it was not the story they were telling us.

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WRITING is such a SINGULAR and lonely occupation. And it's interesting; all of the WORK that you CREATE is so singular.
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To ask questions can become the laziest and wobbliest occupation of a mind, but when you must yourself ANSWER the problem that you have posed, you will meditate your QUESTION with CARE and frame it with PRECISION.

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If I keep GOD first in my LIFE, if I keep my FAMILY and friends as second, and then I keep my OCCUPATION third, that's when I've found SUCCESS.

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