Years ago we discovered the EXACT POINT, the dead CENTER of middle age. It occurs when you are too young to TAKE up GOLF and too old to rush up to the net.

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WHATEVER is DONE for LOVE always occurs beyond good and EVIL.

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This result is due to a PHENOMENON of INTERFERENCE which occurs WITHIN the sensitive LAYER.

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Our EXPERIENCES of the Solstice DEPENDS entirely upon where we are when it occurs. Neither Solstice encompasses everyone. Neither can. The Solstices stand forever opposed, literally at the two poles of our EARTH and experiences.

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The day will come - and it is not far off - when the LEGACY of Lincoln will FINALLY be fulfilled at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, when a BLACK man or woman will sit in the Oval OFFICE. When that day comes, the most remarkable thing about it will be how naturally it occurs.

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I think my original inspiration came from just natural curiosity about science and math and biology. In particular, I would say that, as I MATURED, it became more a FEELING of trying to avoid the waste that occurs in the world where we have 6.5 BILLION MINDS. If you're a computer scientist, you can think of them as supercomputers.

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A work of fiction is CONCEIVED very MUCH the same way as a dream occurs in the mind of a sleeper. But a lot of it is IMAGINATION. It's not based on REAL PEOPLE.

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AMONG journalists, there is a saying: 'If it bleeds, it leads.' This can RESULT in some SERIOUS hustling - and some serious sloppiness - WHENEVER a crime occurs. The public's longing to see and hear salacious details is, basically, ENDLESS.

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Find a GOOD teacher, as I found for my SONS. I FEEL the worst thing you can do is to try and teach your own children yourself, because there is a NATURAL REBELLION that occurs.

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Stories in which the DESTRUCTION of society occurs are explorations of social FEARS and issues that filmmakers, novelists, playwrights, painters have been examining for a LONG TIME.

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Although INDIVIDUAL STATES have primary responsibility for conducting fair and impartial elections, the FBI BECOMES involved when paramount federal interests are AFFECTED or ELECTORAL abuse occurs.

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I think a lot of things will be self-correcting, EVEN in AMERICA. After all, human societies are ESSENTIALLY self-organizing emergent systems. The catch is, how MUCH disorder will we have to endure while this re-self-organizing process occurs.

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Testicular CANCER occurs in young MEN, just the people who don't bother MUCH about their HEALTH.

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I love what I do, but it occurs to me I MAY have handed over a large PORTION of my LIFE to fiction.

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As an IDEA occurs to me, I'll EITHER FOLLOW it or not, but I'm more INSTINCTIVE than master-planner about STUFF.

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