White male PRIVILEGE REMAINS alive in AMERICA, but the PHRASE would seem odd, if not infuriating, to a sixty-year-old man WORKING as a Walmart greeter in southern Ohio.

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Over last 30 ODD years, Kashmir has seen many highs and LOWS when looked at from the PERSPECTIVE of the security scenario, infiltrations and militancy on the ground.

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I MIGHT be at the odd press CONFERENCE with a little bit of spill on me because I'm not GOING to hide the IMPERFECTIONS of parenting. I don't think anyone needs that.

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I just cannot IMAGINE why anyone would want to be really FAMOUS. You go to a restaurant and PEOPLE are pointing at you and they talk about you and they WHISPER and it is very disconcerting; it is a very odd FEELING.

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I've been tremendously MOVED by a BUNCH of ODD books. Ross McDonald is very IMPORTANT to me. I love the Lew Archer books.

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MOVING and motion tends to MAKE things POP up. But things pop up for me, really, at just odd intervals or at random TIMES that aren't really convenient, so I'm a big fan of the voice memo recorder on my phone. That's the only WAY I can remember things.
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Acting is a win-win situation. There is no RISK INVOLVED. That's why I get tired of hearing actors who TRY to make out that there's a DOWNSIDE to it. Fame is an odd thing. It bugs you a little bit, but it's really not bad.

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There are so many odd THINGS that HAPPENED that are centered AROUND Britney Spears it's kind of amazing. There's just so many cultural moments centered around her existence and NOTHING else.

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When I was STUDYING in LONDON, I WORKED part-time as a waitress. I was teaching drama to KIDS. I did a lot of odd jobs to PAY for my studies.

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Other filmmakers MAKE their movies and PUT them out and that's that. For me, for some odd reason, it GOES DEEPER than that.

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As a KID, I'd never have avocado. You'd get some melon and the ODD FRESH peach. But avocados? Mangoes? I'd never had a mango in my life.

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I think it's KIND of odd that 'This Old ROAD' was the first video I EVER did. Because of all of the work I had DONE in films and EVERYTHING, you'd think I would have done a video before that.

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I'm SOMEONE who came to Paris as a teenager, and I dreamed of coming back to Paris as a visitor. I never dreamed of having a job at the biggest LUXURY house in Paris and, you know, 15 odd YEARS LATER, I'm STILL here.

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I always FIND beauty in things that are ODD and imperfect - they are much more INTERESTING.

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I fled my home town and did odd jobs, INCLUDING THINGS LIKE re-designing old furniture, before I became an actor. Having said that, I don't think the story of my life is in any way REMARKABLE. What is remarkable is how acting opportunities have come my way.

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