There is no doubt I have OFFENDED many people. No doubt, also, that I have blasphemed. I sometimes try to OFFEND as part of my ROUTINE - after all, the essence of HUMOUR, even in a CHILD, is the effort to shock and surprise.

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It SEEMS no matter what you SAY and how POLITICALLY CORRECTLY and carefully you say it, you offend someone. Or at LEAST I always do.

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My movies were ALWAYS clean. There was never anything obnoxious in them that might OFFEND ANYBODY.

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Do you want me to apologize after every JOKE? If it doesn't offend SOMEBODY it's probably not a joke. It's probably an OBSERVATION that's not FUNNY. It's gotta offend somebody somewhere.

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EVERY COMIC says things that are going to OFFEND someone, so we all have to DEFEND each other with this STUFF.

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If a SITUATION came about something that WOULD offend someone culturally, I would definitely speak up. WWE would want us to speak up because negative press is not our GOAL.

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It's really grinding to always PLAY out of both sides of your mind and always be THINKING what will offend people. Or what won't. But I'm strong enough to deal with that. I own that I'm freakish in my WAY.

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The don't-ask-don't-tell APPROACH to plot and CHARACTER that 'The Hurt Locker' relies on to SET itself in motion doesn't OFFEND me politically. It offends me as a storyteller.

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PEOPLE will come up and SAY - and it is insulting - 'Do you ever want to do anything else? Like some real acting? Or a real SHOW?' Here's the thing: You can either GET upset about that, or you can realize that that person isn't trying to offend you. They're literally INTERESTED, and they're asking you a question.

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My SECRET to COMEDY is don't OFFEND ANYBODY. Don't offend anybody EVER. That's my secret.

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Words do cut, and they do hurt. It was one thing growing up where you were bullied, but you'd just come home. Now you can't REALLY escape it. It's to a POINT where you turn off that phone, you live your life, and you try not to let the words of others offend or stop you from being you and LIVING your life.

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If you're not going to offend SOMEBODY you don't NEED the FIRST Amendment.

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People invade your SPACE and OFFEND your sensibilities because, to be PLAIN, they couldn't CARE less about you.

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