Many of the technologies that are now racing ahead most rapidly, replacing HUMAN workers in factories and offices with machines, making stockholders richer and workers poorer, are indeed tending to ACCENTUATE the EXISTING inequalities in the DISTRIBUTION of WEALTH.

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I was working my first adult JOB, a quasi journalistic job, writing content for a website. In the offices, we had banks of TVs, PAPERS, a CONSTANT MEDIA STREAM, which was unusual for 2001.

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WHO has a country office in nearly every developing country, usually located CLOSE to the Ministry of Health. Staff in these offices need to do MUCH more to help ministries of health strengthen their national health plans and strategies and then NEGOTIATE with development partners to SUPPORT these priorities and follow these plans.

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One of my goals upon becoming Secretary of STATE was to TAKE diplomacy out of capitals, out of government offices, into the media, into the STREETS of COUNTRIES.

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There's a simple arithmetical logic at work. Build more unaffordable and not ALWAYS architecturally sympathetic apartments, watch the rents rise, the tarts leave, the small shops, production offices and DESIGN studios close down, and hey presto, we have another fashionable LONDON SUBURB indistinguishable from the rest.

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If you're against GLOBALISATION, it doesn't achieve MUCH by sort of bombing the head offices of Shell or Nestle. You unsettle PEOPLE much more by blowing up an Oxfam shop because people can't UNDERSTAND the motive.

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I was an ACCIDENTAL banker. To please my parents, I went for an INTERVIEW with Chase Manhattan Bank in 1983. They PROMISED to SEND me into their offices in more than 40 countries and ESSENTIALLY audit the practices. It was an extraordinary job.

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FBI Miami is one of the TOP five offices. Not only are they RESPONSIBLE for all the work that GOES on here in SOUTH Florida, but they are one of my international offices, so they cover kidnappings or counterintelligence matters or counterterrorism matters in the WHOLE hemisphere.

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It is EXCITING for me to see the stats GUYS winning the BATTLE and getting into MLB front offices.

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The OFFICE during the day has become the LAST place people want to be when they REALLY want to get work done. In fact, offices have become interruption factories.

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I have a mystical BENT, and I PURSUE DAILY meditations that follow the liturgical CALENDAR - what are called the 'daily offices' of the church.

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Even THOUGH I was there through it all, it is hard for me to comprehend that I was growing up with brothers who WOULD EVENTUALLY occupy the highest offices of our nation, INCLUDING president of the United States.

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When you go for BUSINESS, you just see the airport, the offices, CITIES. You never see what 80 per cent of the POPULATION does in a country, so if you want to understand what Indonesia is MADE of, or the DEPTHS of China or India, you have to go and see.

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When we compile a petition, we often have MEMBERS go to their representative's or Senator's offices and deliver it in PERSON. This WAY they can EXPERIENCE a real connection with the staff.

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As our COMPANY has grown, how we configure and DESIGN our offices has been a crucial part of how we foster CONNECTION and COLLABORATION throughout our teams.

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