We SAY that SOMEONE occupies an OFFICIAL POSITION, WHEREAS it is the official position that occupies him.

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I think that the STATUS that you have in life should be reflected in official documents. If you are MARRIED, FINE, if you are living with someone, fine, if you are SINGLE, fine. We don't WANT to tell people how to live their lives.

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If ADVERTISING is not an OFFICIAL or STATE ART, it is nonetheless CLEARLY art.

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If you were a PUBLIC OFFICIAL, you had to be ACCOUNTABLE, and you had to be reachable.

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I as an elected official WOULD NEVER recommend ANYBODY to BOYCOTT any city or STATE.

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There is only one thing more harmful to SOCIETY than an elected OFFICIAL FORGETTING the PROMISES he made in order to get elected; that's when he doesn't FORGET them.

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Under current LAW volunteers who are not working with an official nonprofit organization are not covered by the Volunteer PROTECTION ACT. THEREFORE, there are absolutely no legal protections for the average American who wishes to volunteer.

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I was not allowed to take notes but my FRIEND and I memorised those TWO and a half pages. Most people talked to me because of the warning. They knew this BOOK was not going to be the OFFICIAL line.

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You KNOW, I was a community activist, so I'm USED to standing out in FRONT of an ELECTED official's OFFICE and protesting.

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I had told Debina that I'd MAKE our marriage OFFICIAL only when I could AFFORD a home for her. Strangely, the MEDIA never GOT to know. Only our very close friends knew, not our family.

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In capitalist history, invasion and CLASS struggle are not opposites, as the OFFICIAL LEGEND would have us believe, but one is the MEANS and the expression of the other.

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UCLA was recruiting me before the coaching change, and when the NEW STAFF CAME in I was not sure, but Coach Alford and the whole staff MADE me feel comfortable, especially on my official visit.

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From George WASHINGTON to George W. BUSH, PRESIDENTS have invoked God's name in the performance of their OFFICIAL DUTIES.

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Journalists are supposed to be skeptical, that's what KEEPS them digging rather than SIMPLY accepting the OFFICIAL line, WHETHER it comes from GOVERNMENT or corporate bureaucrats.

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As a PUBLIC official and being so highly visible, I have a RESPONSIBILITY to make it very clear that those people who will have cancer at one POINT in their lives will be ABLE to function.

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