In FILM, I was SURPRISED when I first saw the movie 'Drive.' I said, 'Oh, God. It sounds great - I love it. WOW, this could be the soundtrack from 'American Gigolo' or 'Cat People.' But I'm surprised that the DIRECTOR WOULD agree with a composer to write that kind of sound.

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OH, God, FOOD is a constant STRUGGLE for me. With exercise, I get my workout done, and I'm done until tomorrow. With food, I EAT, and then an hour later I'm hungry again!

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But I always SEEM to finish a book and then think, oh God, I've got to pay a tax bill, so I'd BETTER WRITE a novel, so I tend not to stop and learn WORD processing.

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I THINK EVERYONE in their 30s LOOKS back at their 20s and THINKS, 'Oh God, if I'd just done this and this, and not done that.'

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I didn't get a formal introduction to horror until right about the age of 12, when my UNCLE showed me 'Twilight Zone: The MOVIE.' When you're 12 years old, and you see that - oh, God. I devoured as many horror MOVIES and novels as possible.

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So MANY times, I've SEEN conductors that, every TIME they have a thought, they STOP the orchestra and SAY it, and I can see the orchestra rolling their eyes and saying, 'Oh, God, he stopped again.' So there's a technique to rehearsing.

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Oh GOD, I'm going to GET in trouble for SAYING this, but I grew up falling asleep in church because I was TIRED from watching horror movies LATE at night.

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Sometimes it's hard for me to DRESS for normal situations. A lot of the time I'm either performing or travelling - so what I wear is either really fun or just really comfortable. For anything in between I THINK, 'Oh GOD, I don't KNOW how to dress myself. But when I get on stage I'm just LIKE, 'I can wear anything I want!'

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It's REALLY weird 'cause when you're 21 you THINK, 'Oh God, when I'm 36, oh God, that's nearly 40, and I'll LOOK really old and wrinkly by then.' And ACTUALLY, I quite like the way I look.

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When you're 21, you think, 'OH God, when I'm 36, oh God, that's nearly 40 and I'll look really old and wrinkly by then.' And ACTUALLY, I quite LIKE the WAY I look.

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When Julia and I BROKE up and I was REALLY scared to go into a market or anywhere because I thought, 'Oh God, EVERYONE MUST hate me. And that wasn't the case. People said, 'I'm sorry this HAPPENED, man. Are you alright?'

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If I really want to be HEARD, I have that COMMAND, but a lot of heavy women don't. When I SEE someone heavy working on television, I say, 'Oh, God, GO girl. You do it.' You know, it shouldn't stop your LIFE.

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Oh GOD, I WOULD LOVE to do BROADWAY, but I'm UNFORTUNATELY not a very good singer.

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OH GOD, I've DONE telesales. It doesn't get MUCH lower than that, really. That's the job I enjoyed the LEAST.

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I feel like I owe it to the readers to TRY to pull BACK the veil and give them the honest version of what's going on. But it's not more fun. If Obama, as he does sometimes already, gets a little snippy with me about something I've written, you're thinking, 'Oh God, the PRESIDENT of the UNITED States is already annoyed with me.'

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