As EARLY as 1910, Ludwig Landsberg had suggested that I should examine the PROBLEM of splitting HEAVY OILS and OIL residues into benzines.

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VENEZUELA has the largest OIL RESERVE, and Venezuela has to DEFEND itself.

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The U.S. only has 20 billion barrels of OIL in reserve. It seems as THOUGH there is no more oil around. VENEZUELA has 300 billion barrels of oil in reserves. IRAQ has, like, 150 billion barrels of oil. Iran, close to 300 billion barrels of reserve. Oil for 200 years, of course.

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VENEZUELA is supporting tens of THOUSANDS of poor families in the United STATES with heating oil.

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The United States is the biggest spender of oil and of all the PLANET resources. Oil is a very valuable resource for life - ELECTRIC heaters. We MUST have to transition ourselves to a post-oil ERA.

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By JUNE 1974, TREASURY SECRETARY George Shultz was already suggesting that rising oil prices could result in a 'highly advantageous MUTUAL bargain' between the United States and petroleum-producing countries in the Middle East.

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I take magnesium to prevent cramps. A few YEARS BACK, I SUFFERED from hamstring tears, and part of that can be to do with muscle cramping, and then pushing the muscle at that point. I ALSO take a FISH oil supplement.

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President Trump will release AMERICA's pent-up energy potential, get rid of foreign oil, TRASH punitive regulations, CREATE millions of jobs, and develop our most strategic geopolitical WEAPON: crude oil.

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I started WORKING in the oilfield upon graduating high school. I was on the service END of it, driving tank trucks for Johnny Geer for a couple years and LEARNING about OIL and gas production. I had a WHOLE cadre of mentors.

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Certainly, Continental has taken ADVANTAGE of pipe and sponsored PIPELINE projects where we could. As a historic shipper, we have put a lot of oil on pipe. We have over HALF of our oil on pipe coming out of the Bakken. We FEEL good about that.

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We cannot rely on imported fuels forever, and we AIM to replace traditional oil and GAS boiler SYSTEMS with products which are MUCH more efficient.

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Technology is such a broad kind of term, it really applies to so many things, from the electric light to RUNNING cars on OIL. All of these DIFFERENT things can be called technology. I have kind of a LOVE-HATE relationship with it, as I expect most people do. With the computer, I spend so many hours sitting in front of a computer.

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