EVER SINCE I've been OLD ENOUGH to shave I've been playing CLUBS.

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I NEVER THINK I'm old enough to play SOMEONE's DAD, even though I have a daughter of my own and a GRANDSON.

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When I was a KID, 'Star Wars' was it. LIKE, it's in your DNA. I'm OLD ENOUGH to have seen the ORIGINAL one.

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I've been in love with MUSIC since I was OLD ENOUGH to establish my taste.

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When I was old enough to go to MOVIES ALONE, I GOT to see 'Frankenstein' and 'Dracula' on the BIG screen. I just fell in LOVE with them.

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I am old ENOUGH to think the WORD 'journalist' is not all that noble a designation. Journalist - that record keeper, quote taker and processor of press releases - was, in the WORLD of letters I grew up in, a lower-down job. To be a writer - once the AMBITION of every journalist - was to be the greater TRUTH teller.

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When PEOPLE are OLD ENOUGH to KNOW better they are old enough to do worse.

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A popular bumper sticker post-9/11, and PRETTY faded these days, proclaims drivers of the cars to be 'Proud to be an AMERICAN.' It REALLY should say 'Lucky to be an American,' for I doubt very MUCH that the drivers had much say in having been born here, and are not OLD enough to have participated in the drafting of the Constitution.

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I remember my FIRST Christmas with Leeds, training Christmas Day. I wasn't old ENOUGH to drive yet - so I had to get PICKED up and TAKEN in!

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I REMEMBER Nigel Martyn joking with me at Leeds, saying he was old ENOUGH to be my FATHER, which he CERTAINLY was.

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I LOOKED at my mom and her life, and I THOUGHT, 'I don't WANT that.' I don't think my mom wanted it, either. I think my mom did want to be out there and have a career. She loved working. As SOON as we were OLD enough to feed ourselves, she was out.

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When you are OLD ENOUGH to... play powerful PARTS, who CARES if you are 45, 55 or 65?

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I've spent a LOT of time in a rock n' roll band TRYING to fight off the fact that I was old enough to rent a car. And it's all SORT of RUSHED in at once now. And I like it.

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I REMEMBER us all PLAYING Trivial Pursuit at HOME and my granddad was a member of a local quiz leagues. When I was OLD enough, I JOINED the Bolton leagues.

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I had a lot of CHAOS in my very EARLY years before I was old enough to know what was GOING on, and then I just skated through the REST of my CHILDHOOD without dealing with it.

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