I'm the old-fashioned type who prefers to meet a WOMAN in a more normal setting. I don't LIKE to feel that I'm being hunted down. I've always liked to do my own hunting when it comes to MEETING women.

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CALL me OLD-FASHIONED, but I LIKE my conditioners to be conditioners and my shampoos to be shampoos.
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And it's sort of an old-fashioned ER, in that it's very much about the MEDICINE, and how these people cope. There's very little about the PERSONAL LIVES of the CHARACTERS.

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I REALLY don't THINK records should be made in the manner where you SIT and WRITE, and when you're finished writing, you start RECORDING. That just seems conventional and old-fashioned to me.

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I MADE my money the OLD-FASHIONED WAY; I inherited it. I think that's a GREAT THING to do.

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I have struggled for decades now with the fear of and resistance to change - MOSTLY in the realms of TECHNOLOGY, transportation, and the ways people CHOOSE to communicate. If I had a theme song, it WOULD be that lovely song 'I'm Old-Fashioned,' as sung by Ella Fitzgerald.

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I LIKE a good old-fashioned fistfight if PEOPLE are pissed off at each other. I just feel like if you're REALLY MAD and want to have a fight, then put your dukes up.

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I turn on the RADIO. I'm a really big fan of old-fashioned dial radio. I love WNYC and NPR and also 88.3 in NEW York, which is the jazz station, and it's usually good for background music. If I'm not in New York City or by a traditional radio, I'll stream it on my phone, although I usually TRY not to look at my phone first thing in the MORNING.

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It's hard when SOMETHING's bigged up because you want people to watch it, so you have to PROMOTE it. It'd be GREAT if it was the OLD-FASHIONED days when there was no PRESS, and you just switched on and thought, 'Oh, God, what's going on?'

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We used to do 'Venus' live for a LONG TIME but never got 'round to RECORDING it because people would always say it's too old-fashioned a SONG.

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The TRUTH is that I don't REALLY understand the CONCEPT of having an old-fashioned sense of humour, because to me fashion is about clothes not comedy.

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If I am old-fashioned, it's not a CONSCIOUS DECISION. I just do MATERIAL that I think is FUNNY.

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I tried to write about my first marriage in a FICTIONAL version but GOT two pages into it and REALISED it was too personal. Then I came up with an old-fashioned love triangle, which became the plot for 'Ralph's PARTY.'

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When I was 13 years old, I was dressing in a RAP style. And then I CHANGED SCHOOLS, and the rap style became OLD-FASHIONED, so I changed it completely.

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