I don't COLOUR my hair, and I look like the BACK END of a bus, so I get asked to play OLD people.

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To SEE those BABIES with no FOOD for three of four days, old people sitting in the hot SUN, when you see these poor people, you cannot help but being COMPASSIONATE or affected.

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I think OLD people are scary. They remind you of your own DEATH. People don't LIKE to TELL you that.

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Television was not cool among the young people of my era, the LAST years of the '90s and the early '00s. It was not just OLD people who'd castigate you for watching anything but PUBLIC television. We young people scoffed at each other about it.

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OLD DEEDS for old PEOPLE, and NEW deeds for new.

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I like making FILMS about old PEOPLE because they are repositories of AMAZING stories that they tell WELL. And they're incredibly good telly.

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We TREAT OLD PEOPLE so badly. There is NOTHING easy about 80.

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The youth of the ANC, ever since 1944 when it was ESTABLISHED, has been very vocal. It has made suggestions on things so that, at TIMES, old people said, 'What are you doing?' That is its nature. ALLIANCE partners, they have always raised issues. In FACT, that is what brings vibrancy in the alliance. People misread that as huge fights.

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Commissioners are OBSESSED with young PEOPLE, which is funny because they don't WATCH telly - only OLD people do.

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Yahoo is in everything from pets to OLD PEOPLE to FINANCE to communications to E-COMMERCE and more, and I really thrive on that.

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In those days, when you GOT boxed, that was it. A LOT of old people were there because somebody wanted the farm. It was about PROPERTY. People are TREATED like property.

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I didn't realize it at the time, but WRITING obituaries was one of best jobs that I've ever had. After all, it's the only time that someone will ever laminate my work and put it in their BIBLE. Plus, let's be honest, writing obits in Sarasota is a very BUSY JOB. The OLD saying was that old people lived in Miami, but their parents lived in Sarasota.

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That's why I'm never happy. Every tragedy, I really feel very painful - especially about a child or OLD people. This is REALITY. We try to CLOSE eyes and EARS, but it's happening every SECOND, and somehow, unfortunately, I feel a connection.

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