MUSIC has influenced EVERYTHING from my tattooing to how I talk to how I WALK, I guess. I was classically trained in piano since I was 6. Then in my teens, my OLDERSISTER introduced me to Metallica. It was all over. I had a mohawk soon after that.
There were times I wouldn't leave my room for weeks and sometimes MISSED school because I hated how PEOPLE would look at me. But my older sister helped me find the POSITIVE: She USED to show me pictures of Alek Wek to say, 'See! You can be a model if you want!'
I remember growing up and SEEING Vanessa Hudgens' Bongo campaign in magazines. I think I probably put a few of her posters on my wall, to be HONEST. I wore Bongo growing up, as did my OLDERSISTER - I would get her hand-me-downs as well as my own NEW pieces when I went shopping.