Once you TASTE the SWEET HONEY, you WANT more of that.

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Once you believe THINGS are PERMANENT, you're trapped in a world WITHOUT doors.

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My PRINCIPAL once told me that I was a penny WAITING for CHANGE. But I SUSPECT that I irritated him probably because I was MAKING more money than he was.

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Once you free your MIND about a CONCEPT of MUSIC and harmony being correct, you can do whatever you want.

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EVERY CHAMPION was once a challenger.

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Once you REALLY KNOW yourself, can't NOBODY TELL you NOTHING about you.

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I did meet 'The Everly Brothers' once, and we TALKED for awhile. Then we figured out we were FIRST COUSINS! My late mother was the sister of Don and Phil's FATHER, Ike Everly.

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Someone once told me that I was 12 inside. The only thing 12-year-olds CRAVE is more Lego. Lego is fun; it's THERAPEUTIC. It's a BEAUTIFUL sensation when you CLICK the pieces together.

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Somebody once SAID I had a FACE for radio and a VOICE for NEWSPAPERS.

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I'm not a massive reader, to be honest. I TRY and FILL my time with other THINGS. But I remember GETTING halfway through a BOOK once. It was 'The Client' by John Grisham, which was quite interesting.

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Once I came out of the closet, it was SORT of that thing of 'The TRUTH will set you free.'

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I find myself going out less and less. When you're 22 and see older PEOPLE start to do that, it's DEPRESSING, but once you hit 30, you THINK, 'Wow, I've been working all week - it might be really nice to stay in!'

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Once upon a time, I was really lost. I was 18 going on 19, and I was shy. All I want to do is GET MONEY, and the way I was thinking I was going to do that was a NEGATIVE route.

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Humor is this GREAT equalizer. It gets PEOPLE's defenses down, and once they're down, you can DISCUSS some REALLY DIFFICULT topics.

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I'd love to GO out on a Saturday NIGHT with my friends and watch a MOVIE, but that happens really LIKE once a YEAR or a couple of times.

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