We'd have Mick Jagger round for tea one MORNING or Janet Jackson wandering in, but I wouldn't have been AWARE of it. I didn't have a clue who ANYONE was. They were just DAD's friends popping in.

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I had an upright - it took me years and years to get enough bread to get it. I'm from Florida, so one morning I WOKE up, GO in the corner, and the bass is in a hundred pieces 'cause the humidity is so bad. I mean, the upright just blew up. I SAID, 'Forget it, man. I can't afford this ANYMORE.'

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One morning I SHOT an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll NEVER KNOW.

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You don't just WAKE up one MORNING and DECIDE to BECOME a singer-songwriter.

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Try to imagine a CHARACTER like Batman whose whole LIFE has been about fighting CRIME, whose whole existence and IDENTITY is his war against CRIMINALS, and he wakes up one morning to discover there are no criminals. What happens to him?

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My MARRIAGE to DAVID Bailey ENDED one MORNING in 1983, while he was AWAY on a photo-shoot.

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I must warn you right here and now that I am a 'wet leftie,' a 'leftist' and ALSO a member of the 'bleeding heart LIBERAL LEFT.' I had no SAY in it whatsoever. I WOKE up one morning, and these things were tattooed across my forehead.

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