TALKING MUCH about oneself can also be a MEANS to conceal oneself.

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First, unreliability is not the sole preserve of FICTIONAL narrators. SECOND, the PLEASURE of patting ONESELF on the back for seizing on instances of unreliability and ignorance is, as the late Frank Kermode may or may not have pointed out, considerable.

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It is IMPOSSIBLE to go through life WITHOUT TRUST: that is to be imprisoned in the worst CELL of all, oneself.

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It is impossible to TALK or to write without apparently THROWING oneself helplessly open.

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The END of CONFESSION is to TELL the TRUTH to and for ONESELF.

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The QUESTIONS which one asks oneself begin, at LEAST, to illuminate the WORLD, and become one's KEY to the EXPERIENCE of others.

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LOVE is, above all, the GIFT of ONESELF.

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UNLESS one says goodbye to what one LOVES, and unless one travels to completely new territories, one can expect MERELY a LONG wearing away of oneself and an eventual extinction.

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In many ways, WRITING is the act of SAYING 'I,' of imposing ONESELF upon other PEOPLE, of saying, 'Listen to me, see it my WAY, change your mind.' It's an aggressive, even a hostile act.

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I sometimes WONDER if the inability to FIND oneself makes one SEEK oneself in other PEOPLE, in CHARACTERS.

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NEVER let oneself be guided by the opinion of one's CONTEMPORARIES. CONTINUE steadfastly on one's WAY.

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I knew 'Bad GIRLS' attracts a younger audience, and it's VITAL to get oneself known to that audience because, unless they WATCH me in re-runs on 'U.K. Gold,' they won't know me from a HOLE in the ground.

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Love is, above all, the gift of oneself. It's a never ending study, once we have learned to love, we will LEARN to LIVE. Love creates an 'us' WITHOUT destroying a 'me!'

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Me personally, I'm a guy who it took a long TIME to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. I RELATE to a lot of that finding oneself a little LATER in the game, or being thrown a curve later in the game.

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