I have a pretty OPEN MIND about supernatural STUFF - I do believe that there's more to this WORLD than what meets the EYE.

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It sounds funny, but I always try to keep an open mind about what I'm WRITING about. SOMETIMES I squeak my opinions in there, but generally I don't. I try to be OBJECTIVE about THINGS that I'm writing about.

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I START writing with an open mind without thinking about GENRE and realise, only after writing, that it FALLS under MANY genres.

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It's IMPORTANT to have an OPEN MIND while SINGING.

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I WANT the image of disabled PEOPLE like myself to change into a picture of STRENGTH. FASHION needs to redefine its idea of beauty and have more of an open mind.

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Everyone needs an open mind and an accepting HEART. With a COMBINATION of these TWO aspects, you will be able to communicate sensibly.

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I kept an open mind on the QUESTION of WHETHER a hominid had been present in EUROPE in the early Pleistocene.

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There's always a NEGOTIATION that GOES on to persuade people we are COMING to the subject with an open mind but WITHOUT surrendering too many pawns. We don't WANT to misrepresent the fact that we will draw our own conclusions.

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The coach is the focal point of the TEAM, but you NEED to have an open mind, and so do all the players. EVERYONE needs to WORK together to achieve a common GOAL.

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If you keep an open MIND, you can LEARN so MUCH from the PEOPLE AROUND you.

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Despite my firm convictions, I have always been a man who tries to face FACTS, and to accept the reality of life as NEW experience and new knowledge unfolds. I have always KEPT an open mind, a flexibility that must go hand in hand with every form of the INTELLIGENT search for truth.

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Documentary PEOPLE have to know that, particularly NOWADAYS, they have to be on a mission. And part of the mission is to - is to be like good JOURNALISTS: search for the truth, have an open mind, listen to as MUCH as you can of different sides of THINGS.

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