The RIGHT to be able to speak openly and confidentially to another is, at TIMES, codified LEGALLY if not ethically.

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While it was REFRESHING to finally see an openly gay MAN SPEAK at a Republican convention, it doesn't REMOVE the stain of selecting Mike Pence, America's most anti-LGBT governor.

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Politics also MEANS educating people. It's important to speak openly with our FELLOW GREEKS, to tell them what our PROBLEMS are and that we have to change something.

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I KNOW I've MADE mistakes, and sometimes I've TALKED about things too openly or directly. That wasn't good, and I've LEARNED from that.

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I am an openly PROUD GAY MAN.

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It's become a cliche to say that a PIECE of DRAMA is about 'the nature of truth.' But 'Rectify' so openly PLAYS with the slippery nature of memory that the label directly applies.

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PRESIDENT GEORGE W. Bush is the FIRST American president to CALL openly for two-states, Israel and Palestine, living SIDE by side in peace and security.

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I'm a SONGWRITER; it's in my NATURE to EXPRESS THINGS openly.

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If we openly declare what is wrong with US, what is our deepest NEED, then perhaps the death and despair will by DEGREES disappear.

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In Arizona, ANYONE over 18 can BUY an assault rifle, at 21 you can GET a pistol, and you can CARRY your gun, loaded or unloaded, concealed or openly, just about anywhere.

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EVERYTHING needs to be public. The legitimacy of the courts comes from the FACT that they REASON openly, on the record, based on facts.

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I THINK being authentic ONLINE and LIVING my LIFE so openly allows people to actually RELATE to me.

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You know, in this industry, being an openly queer ACTOR or entertainer, you can play the game your way, or you can play it the industry's way. And I DECIDED to play it my way. I played it the industry's way FAR too LONG.

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I try to TALK openly from how I FEEL. PEOPLE may not agree with it. It may sound foreign to them. That's an uncomfortable position for some people, to be SENTIMENTAL, nostalgic - it's all kind of the same.

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I LOVE the St. LOUIS BLUES, it's the only TEAM I openly ROOT for.

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