EVERY day the choristers of the social web chirp their ADVICE about openness and TRUST; craigslist follows NONE of it, and every day it grows.
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It's probably conventional wisdom now that you bring OPENNESS of MARKETS only after the MARKET has developed to a certain level.

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The tech and tech MEDIA WORLD are meritocracies. To fall back to race as the reason why people don't break out in our wonderful oasis of openness is to do a MASSIVE injustice to what we've fought so hard to create.

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I LOVE 'I'm BRITISH But...' It's such a sweet, innocent, open-hearted film, and it has the sort of OPENNESS that I still aspire to with everything I do. It wears its HEART, head, everything on its sleeve.

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There aren't as many roles, and I think there's a LACK of OPENNESS in CASTING an Asian character in a leading role or unless they're a stereotype. It's been hard. I've been ABLE to play some non-stereotypical roles, which is great, but I have a lot of Asian actor FRIENDS who are struggling.

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For trade to GROW, India must make a strategic decision that you WANT to encourage interdependence and more OPENNESS and more trade-based ECONOMY.

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America is a great nation, not just because of your POWER and your WEALTH, but because of your high IDEALS, openness, and generosity of spirit.

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Ultimately, when you WRITE from a vantage point of faith, humility, and openness to the WORLD AROUND you, people have to respond because those same TRUTHS are instilled in them.

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ENTREPRENEURSHIP requires an unvanquished spirit of curiosity, an OPENNESS to learning, a letting GO of OldCo so you're free to create NewCo.
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Openness, transparency - these are AMONG the few weapons the citizenry has to protect itself from the powerful and the corrupt... and that is the BEST THING that WikiLeaks has done.

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I'm a very connected and PASSIONATE FOUNDER. And I do model TRANSPARENCY and OPENNESS and loyalty in my actions.

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