The Apology opened the OPPORTUNITY for a new relationship BASED on mutual respect and mutual RESPONSIBILITY between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia. Because without mutual respect and mutual responsibility, the TRUTH is we can achieve very little.

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Until justice is blind to color, until EDUCATION is unaware of race, until OPPORTUNITY is unconcerned with the color of men's skins, EMANCIPATION will be a proclamation but not a FACT.

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I walk in a space of GRATITUDE. I'm so grateful to God for BLESSING me with an AMAZING family and the OPPORTUNITY to do what I LOVE.

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Any OPPORTUNITY to adorn oneself is human, and accessories are an EASY WAY to do it.

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It has been a difficult ROAD this year, but still I look at EVERY day as a new OPPORTUNITY.

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I cannot let this OPPORTUNITY pass WITHOUT placing on record how MUCH I have enjoyed my CRICKET with Kent.

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CRUELTY, like EVERY other VICE, requires no MOTIVE outside of itself; it only requires OPPORTUNITY.
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In the REAL world, as lived and experienced by real people, the demand for human rights and DIGNITY, the longing for LIBERTY and justice and opportunity, the hatred of oppression and corruption and CRUELTY is reality.

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I ALWAYS mention stacking the dishwasher - any OPPORTUNITY. But it's the CONSEQUENCES - it's the food poisoning and the POTENTIAL death that will COME with not loading the dishwasher properly.

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