I never SAID I was opposed to the LEED PROGRAM or to GREEN building - I'm not.

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If I'm SPENDING TIME on something, I MAY as well do GOOD as OPPOSED to average.

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I guess if you have had a GOOD education as opposed to SOMEONE who hasn't been to school, you start off on this journey having studied SHAKESPEARE for years and years or studied classics. I suppose why PEOPLE see this big divide - the boarding school boys getting all the roles - is because they feel like some people have had a head start.

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I opposed BAD policies like any responsible CITIZEN and BUSINESS can. The carbon TAX and the mining tax were both bad policies that, combined, worked to make AUSTRALIA more over-regulated and less cost competitive.

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A lot of the BEST SUSPENSE operates on a careful withholding of INFORMATION as opposed to the doling out of information.

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It would have been disastrous for Zambia if we had GONE multi-party because these parties would have been USED by those OPPOSED to Zambia's PARTICIPATION in the FREEDOM struggle.

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The National Stock EXCHANGE was strongly opposed by Bombay stockbrokers and captains of industry. I THOUGHT some competition is GOOD. The exchange has given a very good account of itself.

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I'm always looking at things and SEEING how I can improve upon them. I THINK it's my responsibility to FOCUS on how I can do better, as OPPOSED to what I've done well.

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We should not be a PARTY that is OPPOSED to SCIENCE.

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I'm really not opposed to PLAYING anything as long as it's a story that I WANT to TELL.

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I basically make my living WRITING songs, so I've been able to go around in my trailer. If I got TIRED of a PLACE, I could move on and roam around. It's a nice ENVIRONMENT for writing songs, as opposed to sitting at a recording studio console all day.

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MARK Carney is one of the ENEMIES of BREXIT. He has OPPOSED it consistently.
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I can TELL you as a leader of a party that I'm fundamentally opposed to violence, fundamentally opposed to any INNOCENT LIVES being taken, fundamentally opposed to any violence being perpetrated against PEOPLE.

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My PASSION is creating and marketing. That's what I'm really, really good at, and that's what I find the most stimulating for my brain to WORK on, so that's what I really, really want to do as opposed to PRODUCT CREATION.

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We're LOSING track of the vastness of the potential for computer SCIENCE. We REALLY have to revive the beautiful INTELLECTUAL joy of it, as OPPOSED to the business potential.

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