OPPOSITION ALWAYS inflames the enthusiast, NEVER converts him.
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Whenever people speak, you give the opposition the OPPORTUNITY to USE those words as they see FIT.

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There is no POINT in WINNING contests if you can't LEAVE mental scars on the minds of the opposition TEAMS.

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In doing the screenplay for 'Good Night, and Good Luck,' the most important thing for me was to CONSTANTLY go back to WHEREVER the opposition would argue. So I had to KEEP reading all the books and articles about why McCarthy is such a good guy.

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I would not plan to base my CAMPAIGN PRIMARILY on OPPOSITION to the WAR in the PERSIAN Gulf.

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I suppose politicians have always wanted to get re-elected, but there's a KIND of a feeling now that if you just discredit your OPPOSITION, it MAKES it easier for you to WIN. I don't think that's necessarily true.

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My PRIORITY is possession. ATTACK, get a lot of PLAYERS in the opposition HALF, take RISKS.

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If you've got one bowler - particularly a fast bowler - who is really AGGRESSIVE, all over the OPPOSITION, he brings the REST of the team ALONG with him.

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I think what separates me from the candidates is the FACT that I have a proven track record of being a fighter. A fighting for what people believe in, whether it is POPULAR or not. Despite the opposition, I STAND TRUE. Because people KNOW that I will do what I say. And that I say what I do.

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DOGMA not only blinds its protagonist, but it muzzles all other OPPOSITION.
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Of course, Putin may well have REASONS for wanting Trump to be president - not LEAST Trump's APPARENT skepticism toward NATO and his lack of opposition to Russia's military interventions in Ukraine and Syria.

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The Russians win when we allow our INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY to be politicized, when we allow political opposition RESEARCH to function as a basis for a WARRANT to spy on AMERICAN citizens.

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It is undeniably the duty of the opposition PARTY to FIELD a credible slate of candidates for the NATION's highest OFFICE.

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I would LIKE to thank those who spoke boldly against the 'gay marriage float' in the 2014 Rose Parade. Apparently, that vigorous OPPOSITION came from perhaps millions of PEOPLE, and it had a SIGNIFICANT influence on how the matter was handled on network and CABLE television.

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