Oprah has DEFINITELY caught my EYE. My mom and I used to watch her SHOWS. We just love her.

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So people ask, 'But how can you WORK for a friend?' I SAY it's because I know that the MAGAZINE is called 'O.' The bottom line is somebody has to have the final word. Oprah's not right all the time, but her record is pretty DAMN GOOD. That's not to say you can't disagree.

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All Oprah NEEDS is a GOOD book. My only REQUEST when she's building any HOUSE is, 'Could I please have a TV in my bedroom?'

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I know that OPRAH and I MEAN a LOT to each other... I know at all TIMES I have somebody that I can count on always.

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OPRAH has this INTENSE CURIOSITY that I haven't FOUND with any interviewer.
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OPRAH is wildly successful, and she's a brilliant businesswoman. She's also somebody who's OVERCOME a ton of DEMONS in her own life, and that's really what shaped her. I think the same COULD be said for me.
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I'm always so nervous when I have to do interviews or be on 'The Tonight SHOW' or the 'Oprah' show, where I have to be myself. I don't know why that's such a BIG deal - being yourself. But for some REASON, I FEEL good in a dark room TALKING to actors about acting, doing acting. I like sitting backstage watching people work.

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I've done all of them EXCEPT for Oprah. My SHOES were on Oprah but they ran out of TIME so I wasn't on. I LEFT my shoes in Chicago so they COULD put them on the show.

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