I'm not afraid to call a wine that TASTES LIKE Skittles or green peppers mixed with orange marmalade. I'll SAY, 'It tastes like chicken.' I mean, that's not what people THINK of when they think of wine, but that's what it tastes like to me and it HITS home.

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I LIKE to PEEL it and share it with friends. You can SPREAD the love with an ORANGE.

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For Sunday breakfast, I make ORANGE and ricotta pancakes, crepes and eggs. You know men, we usually go for breakfast because it's the EASIEST thing to cook and then we TRY to make it seem FANCY.

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During summer or charity GAMES I'll WEAR my BRIGHT orange or green or TURQUOISE ones and guys are always LIKE, 'Why are your shoes so bright?'

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I came out to CALIFORNIA to live with my MOM in Orange County for a while, and then I came up to Hollywood. I had just turned nineteen. I took an acting class at Playhouse West and decided, 'Wow, I think I can do this!' I studied really HARD for three years before I got an agent.

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My MUM taught me that redheads shouldn't wear pink, red or ORANGE, but if you CHOOSE the RIGHT shade, such as a bright orange or a cherry red, it can look FABULOUS.

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I SAID, going into acting, 'I'm NEVER moving to L.A.,' because it SCARED me. But there was no WAY you COULD build an acting career in Orange County.

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I'm here to TELL you the coffee was hot, the ORANGE juice was COLD, NEW York's still there and Reagan NATIONAL is back.

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When you look at the Earth's horizon and see the thickness of the atmosphere, it's not EVEN the thickness of an ORANGE peel.

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When I get back home, I want to spend as MUCH time with my family as I can. I love just being at home and not having to RUSH off anywhere so on Saturday morning I might make a big breakfast with freshly-squeezed orange juice, yoghurt, EGGS and bacon.

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I remember in second GRADE, EVERYBODY in the class had to COME up with adjectives for each other, and I GOT shy. In a way, I force myself to perform, because if I didn't, I'd stay home rolled up in a ball watching 'The REAL Housewives of Orange County' all day.

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Yeah, Kubrick's a BIG influence. In something like 'A Clockwork Orange,' he is TRYING to use the practical light - I MEAN, at LEAST he says that in his interviews, like they're not using traditionally Hollywood lights. In 'Elephant' we basically used no lights; we never really adjusted.

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I also READ MODERN novels - I have just had to read 60 as I am one of the JUDGES for the ORANGE Fiction Prize.

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For my Mai Tai recipe, I juice FRESH ORANGE, pineapple, and lime. It's LIKE VACATION in a glass!

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Tanning is TRICKY, because a LOT of PEOPLE just LOOK ORANGE.

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