I organize a CHESS festival in Hungary. I support chess in schools, and I have my own chess FOUNDATION. And I started WRITING BOOKS.

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In a democracy, you don't NEED anyone's permission to form a new political party, publish a POLITICALLY charged article, or ORGANIZE a 'tea party.' And in OPEN markets, individuals are FREE to buy and invest as they see fit.

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One of the ADVANTAGES of not having a RECORD CONTRACT is that you can make your own mistakes, you don't NEED somebody else to organize them for you.

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My FATHER was a MEMBER of the Teamsters UNION in California, where he helped to organize better health CARE for workers. My mother WORKED for more than 20 years on an assembly line.

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Humans are humans because we are able to COMMUNICATE with each other and to ORGANIZE to do things TOGETHER that we can't do INDIVIDUALLY.

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I certainly couldn't RUN a big country HOUSE, nor could I organize the GREATEST show on earth.

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In some townships, political parties are run by thugs financed from Cape Town. If we don't have SUPPORT of the police, we can not have the ability to organize and to GAIN even a SLIGHT semblance of power.

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Alphabetical ORDER had to be invented to help people organize the FIRST dictionaries. On the other hand, we may have reached a point where alphabetical order has gone obsolete. Wikipedia is ostensibly in alphabetical order, but, when you think about it, it's not in any order at all. You use a SEARCH engine to GET into it.

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A move to a different TOWN or school gives us NEW places to explore, new people to meet; a lost pet means we have to ORGANIZE a careful search; baby-sitting requires looking out for dangers a young CHILD can't foresee; a car crash or fire demands that we get HELP immediately.

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For notes related to books I'm WRITING, I've wondered whether I should ORGANIZE my notes better, but I do FIND that the action or scrolling through them and seeing odd juxtapositions of ideas helps to stimulate my own ideas and creativity. I worry that if I kept the notes in a highly-structured way, I might LOSE some of these benefits.

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I am one of the facilitators, helping to make the voice of Hongkongers heard in the international community. I ALSO organize student CLASS boycotts and PROVIDE assistance for HIGH school students.

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The PLANET will adapt to ANYTHING. Maybe we should START to use the HEART and the BRAIN that we've been given to organize ourselves. Because if we keep screwing up things, we may be just passing by in the history of the planet.

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I organize my denim, leather, and dresses by color, although my JEANS are pretty MUCH just BLACK and gray.

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In the 1980s, I had a LOT of films, DOCUMENTARIES for television, which were about why the trade UNIONS had failed to ORGANIZE resistance to Margaret Thatcher's PLANS. And they were banned. I had to fight for those films.

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I really don't keep an OUTLINE; I don't organize in any WAY. I just WRITE.

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