Originally created to serve the poorest and sickest among us, the Medicaid program has GROWN dramatically but still doesn't include the kind of FLEXIBILITY that states NEED to provide better HEALTH CARE for the poor and disadvantaged.

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My DAD was into classic ROCK and R&B, which I originally started in. And then my MOM did the country.

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Over 5,000 years, states have made surprisingly consistent claims about their duties. They have PROMISED to PROTECT people from THREATS; promote their welfare; deliver justice and also, perhaps less OBVIOUSLY, uphold truth - originally truths about the COSMOS, and more recently truths drawn from reason and knowledge.

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Zionism was originally a rebellion against RELIGIOUS JUDAISM and the PLO Charter was essentially secularist. But because the conflict was ALLOWED to fester without a resolution, religion got sucked into the escalating cycle of violence and became part of the problem.

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I originally went to Edinburgh for Latin, which I love and the literature is incredible, but then I SUDDENLY REALISED that languages are so crucial for working in the FASHION industry and it is wonderful when you can communicate with everyone.

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'Coraline' is Neil Gaiman's book, it sold a lot, it has a big fan BASE. It was originally conceived to be live action, but I never really WANTED it to be. I always THOUGHT that it would work better as an ANIMATED FILM.

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WELL, we were originally called Huey Lewis and the American Express. But on the EVE of the release of our first record, our record LABEL, Chrysalis Records was afraid that we'd be sued by American Express.

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There's NOTHING sadder than being in a TRIBUTE BAND - especially a tribute band for your own THING you did originally.

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I was originally GOING to be a lawyer, and the only thing I REMEMBER from the ART of cross-examination is - you can see this one COMING up Sixth Avenue - never ask a question the answer to which you do not know.

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I wanted to be a DOCTOR originally; that was my REALISTIC DREAM, because I knew how to get there. Being a pop star was my WILD dream, a fantasy - there was no direct route.

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Take a commonplace, CLEAN it and polish it, light it so that it PRODUCES the same effect of youth and freshness and originality and SPONTANEITY as it did originally, and you have done a poet's JOB. The rest is literature.

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Punk was originally about CREATING NEW, important, energetic music that would hopefully threaten the status quo and the STUPIDITY of the 1970s.

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I was very impressed with the scope and scale and IMPACT that came from originally one PERSON making 'Minecraft.' It's INSPIRING for me to THINK how our team can do more with LESS.

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In February 2003, I SIGNED a three-year CONTRACT with MSNBC to host a talk show. Having recently DECIDED not to run again for governor of Minnesota, I was STILL a pretty hot commodity. The show was originally scheduled for an HOUR, four nights a week.

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Originally, the burden of PROOF was on physicists to prove that TIME TRAVEL was possible. Now the burden of proof is on physicists to prove there MUST be a law forbidding time travel.

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