Anything BACK in New Orleans is definitely nostalgic. I really played my first shows of my life and learned to perform here. I learned how to work a STAGE and how to connect with a CROWD. It all STARTED here.

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I MARRIED a woman from New Orleans, so I had family here. Post-Katrina, I had a number of FRIENDS CALL me up and say they wanted to do something to help the community - not just Habitat for Humanity or Red CROSS, we've done that, but what can we do for the community.

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I'm from a very violent city. I'm from NEW Orleans, Louisiana, and it's GOOD to see me be able to express my art, have a good opportunity for my LIFE, MAKE history and say something, without being violent.

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I'm from NEW Orleans, LOUISIANA. It's not a black-and-white type of thing down there. It's a very cultural place. Everybody has the same ACCENT. It's not like if you're white we can't hang with you or anything like that. So it's easy for US to CALL each other out on our things.

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I ACTUALLY went to the FIRST game in SAINTS HISTORY. We were living in NEW Orleans at the time. I was eight. They opened against the L.A. Rams in 1976. I went with my dad, and we bought standing-room only seats at Tulane Stadium. We actually sat in the aisle.

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NEW Orleans is KIND of LIKE a SECOND HOME for me.

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I live in Connecticut, but eventually I'd LIKE to MOVE BACK to New Orleans. I grew up there; the pace is a BIT slower. Plus, I love crawfish and po'boys.

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FLOW Tribe is a GREAT bunch of NEW Orleans guys who have that funkiness to them.

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I'm from NEW Orleans, and I have a French LAST name - although I have no real RELATIONSHIP with my last name because it's not my name. I don't KNOW my name.

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